EM Ghostmare 11 TTW
Win Immorush 8 TTW
Lost SoFree Rush 6 TTL (I generally skip this, I'm not doing this during tests, tho)
Lost Retrovirus Spam 6 TTL (I quit after he got 40 bone walls by using 3 retroviruses on my 11 RoLs+SoP field)
Win Light Stall 9 TTW (one of those things with 12 SoDs and 8/10 Miracles. The lucky guy spun Light Nymph, so he went rushy with that, no match for my hope shield)
Lost Poison Rush 6 TTL (I even had a good hand, but it's a real bad match-up, although winnable, against Poison)
6 quick games before going out, and I can assure that the EMs/Wins/Losses are pretty much like that.
Instant quit against SoFree, really susceptible against Poison, although doable with a good hand, has some trouble against Momentum and, even though this is pretty rare, Dim Shields+Spell Damage is a real trouble, too.
It's easy wins against stalls and stuff like that, with SoP being a stall breaker.