With an EM too. O_O
But isn't it hard to draw what you want without hourglasses? There are so many cards in this deck. And it uses supernovas too...*faints*
This deck looks interesting anyhow. Good luck with it.
40 isn´t that much. Anything smaller and you risk decking out unless you squeeze in another spectre (really don´t recomment it).The 40 card version is currently the most stable one and really doesn´t feel as bulky as it might look.
The multiple copies of the cards you want to draw make up for the missing hourglass in terms of consistency. Although i tried a few different versions with Hourglasses most of the time they either sit in my hand way too long and when i finally can play them i usually can just afford to draw 3 cards tops in order to not deck myself.Overall they are not worth it for me and i worked around it.Remember the Quantum base in that deck is very low. It is supposed to play everything after a Nova or Two and i really don´t want to change that just to play Hourglasses.
Sal, I would assume you've thought of Steam Machine as an alternative to the Spectres as it'd save you some Water quanta (Except for the initial cost of course, but it's not all that much really) and it's damage does shoot up faster than a Spectre.
I guess it's just preference, but I'd prefer the Machine for a number of reasons, especially how you can play it without quint in many cases.
I´ve tried Steam Machine , Golem and Spectre.
The main problem i had with Steam Mashine was that i couldn´t keep it up (the Tower count is absolute minimum, most of the time you would need a Nova to keep it up).
I prefer Golem or Spectre in this deck cause the attack is stable and i don´t have to worry about the Quanta for both.
Spectres are a little cheaper to play and start with 3 toughness (they can ignore stolen shields) and also they use unused Lifequanta (usually just have to wait for a quint).
The problem with golem is that it potentially blocks you from re-playing a destroyed Buckler.
But i would still prefer the Golem over the Steam Machine in this deck. Like i said i tried all 3 and spectres seem to work out best overall.
The main reason for this is the very low Tower count the deck is designed around.You would have to add a couple more Towers if you want to play Steam Machine in this (would pretty much take away the main strength of the deck).
Good work, Sal. I hadn't tried 3 mind flayers--was worried there would be too much competition for (growth vs casting mind flayers) and (need to quint the spectres and using the flayers.) Is there an order you like to play them in? Mind flayers first or spectres?
I have have also tried to work in the PAs--too many times the shield gets exploded or even worse--stolen.
Are you having any luck with bonewalls yet? That buckler is your worst enemy once the skeletons start piling up....
Also, how many times do you deck out? When with 2 spectres, if they come late in the deck, that leaves a lot of ground to cover in just a few turns.
It really depends on the God you are facing. Against Osiris/Graviton for example you want to rush Mindflayers. While playing against Octane you will most likly not need them.
Overall i would suggest to play Flayers first , then Deamons if needed and once everything is under control finish with Spectres (thats how i usually play it).
I´ve played around 120 games completly without PA and just 3 copies of Buckler. You don´t really need it, but it makes things easier.If you want to Squeeze in Hourglasses etc then cut the PA´s. The PA´s are currently mainly "tests" to increase problematic matches (Eternal Phoenix, Rainbow, Dream Catcher).If you don´t like em just replace them.
The Bonewall problem is just occuring against Morte now once in a while when you draw your Pulvie too late.When you got enough Antimatters out and see you run low on cards destroy your Buckler to prevent the Bonewall from growing.Will most likly cost you the EM but will ensure you won´t deck out.
Incarnate is easily beaten with Antimattered Vamps now.
Decking out is rarly a problem. Just play your creatures wisely and wait for quints if you have to.
The overall damageoutput is high enough to beat miracle (by forcing it to play 4-5 miracles untill the AI dies . Pulvy the light towers while you are at it).3 Flayers, 2 Pulvies,2 Deamons,2 Spectres in the deck. Unless you horribly waste your creatures decking out shouldn´t be a problem at all.
Heh I will say that new version pretty much pwns Octane. I took out miracle/jade shield and replaced with entropy pendelums, but other than that used same. I started with just 1 entropy pendelum which was immediately destroyed, and still easily won .
Glad it worked out for you. Like i said mass Antimatter is giving you a huge boost against many gods.Of course you pay the price against Divine Glory etc. but at least a good third of the other gods are way easier to beat with that strategy and its much less likly you randomly die to one of the "easier" gods.
The decks main strength is that it can opperate of a single (!) Quantum Tower without too many problems.After 2 Novas you should be able to play your complete hand most of the time (if you have to). Don´t get greedy and wait for Quints if you have to - never waste your Spectres, keep em in your hand untill you absolutly have to play them if you have to.When you got 2 Mindflayers in your hand early you can try to play one (depends on the god you are facing), the AI doesn´t seem to see them as much of a threat and targets em late.
In the end it all comes down to the version you are playing.Feel free to adjust the list to your needs (add hourglass , SoGs etc).
I reccoment using the 4.0 version (->
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,10966.msg165836#msg165836 ). The other one was just to let you know i´m still working on it and hasn´t been tested as much yet (as long as i´m still switching cards left and right).