I know the 3 Novas look weird. I´m not exactly happy with that to be honest but i really need the room.
Been toying around with Fire Buckler and i think it should be added as an alternative to the Carapace. You can play them faster (just 4
instead of 7
) and don´t have to wait 2 turns for it to do something. The Buckler would make Aflatoxin obsolete,guess i have to test it.
Gonna take a look at it tomorrow, its late.
edit:Thought of something like this:
Maxwells Buckler version 1.04vo 4vo 5if 5if 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6tt 6tt 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 7dl 7dl 7dl 7h2 7h2 7q5 7q5 7tb 7tb 80h 80h 80h 80h
You can play the Buckler a lot faster than the Carapace + you get something out of it right now instead of having to wait for 2 turns for the creatures toughness to drop.
I´m still trying to find a way to buy enough time to just keep the Shield up.This version i try to run 2 Vampire Dagger acting as Shard of Gratitude 7+8.
To make up for the lack of Pulverizer i´m trying Butterfly effect (4 targets).
Also note that i upped the Quint count to make sure you will have one for your creature up and don´t have to wait that long.Also its desperatly needed to protect your Butterfly target.
I´m trying out Mind Flayers to get rid of annoying creatures + the 2nd one is usually my Butterfly target.
Major advantage for this version is that you can setup your lockpieces a lot earlier than with Carapace.
Since most off-entropy cards could be played after 2 novas i might change the Tower base to include a couple Entropy Towers to get rid of the overused
Issues:-mass permanent control plain kills you. You really need your Shards to stay alive while Deamon/Buckler get rid of the threats.
-Bonewall plain kills you since you won´t be able to break it before decking out.I might have to add Eternity but prolly can´t support it with the current tower count.
-The deck is too large (40 cards). That helps a bit with the Deck out thing but decreases the odds of drawing what you need.
-if you fail to find Deamon / Buckler in time you are just toast.Adding an additional Hourglass would just add to the Deck out problem.Guess i´ll have to add a 3rd Demon somehow.
-Entropy Quanta is overused (Deamon +Butterfly)
-Butterfly is kinda slow. already tough to get out and you will most likly not have enough
to activate it after playing it.
-can´t really add Pulvies untill i find a way to stay alive against fgs (Sundials did a great job at that. Unfortunatly the deck is already "full").
Edit : Several versions later...
Maxwells Buckler version 3.66qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6ts 6ts 6tt 6tt 6tt 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 77f 77f 7aj 7dl 7dl 7dq 7dq 7dq 7q5 7q5 80h 80h 80h 80h
After replacing 2 Quantum Towers with 2 Entropy Towers the
Quanta problem became less frequent.This lead to replacing the Daggers with 2x Antimatter and the 2 Butterflies against 2 Pulvies (back to basics ^^).
I was experimenting with Elite Chargers to get rid of the Bonewall problem, but they turn out to be too slow against most other gods. Hopefully the Pulvies help to solve the problem (get rid of Graveyards etc).
I´m almost happy with the current version as it is.The 3rd Golem + 4th Quint was a major improvement, decking out is rarly an issue now and the overall killspeed went through the roof.
Edit: -> latest version
I´m not really a friend of this version since decking out became much more of a problem again and the major combopieces are only 2 offs (more likly to miss a combopiece).
On the +side this rarly got Quanta problems and it can be faster in general due to the lower decksize.
But since most people here tend to prefer compact decks here it is.
Maxwell Buckler version 4.0 (slim)
5if 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6ts 6ts 6tt 6tt 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 77f 77f 7ah 7ah 7dl 7dl 80h 80h 80h
The chance to "fizzle" is higher since you only run 2 Spectres to do major damage and there is a good chance you will not draw them in time.
There are less copies of Deamon and Buckler in this, so chances are high you won´t see any of the 2 - thats why i prefer the 40 card version with 3 copies of each.I´m also a huge fan of 4 quints since that greatly reduces the "waiting" time.
Here are a couple unfavorable scenarios that are more likly to happen with this version :
2 Quints at the bottom = might deck out or have to play risky
2 Spectres at the bottom = might deck out
2 Bucklers at the bottom = your toast unless you get a quinted Demon 4+ Shards
2 Deamons at the bottom = your in trouble, but can still win with a Buckler
2 Pulvies at the bottom = your in trouble against certain gods
Personally i prefer the 40 card version. (below)
Maxwell Bucker version 4.0 (normal)
5if 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6ts 6ts 6tt 6tt 6tt 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 77f 77f 7ah 7ah 7dl 7dl 7dl 80h 80h 80h 80h
Adjust the 40th card to your preferance.
My usual choice:
-3rd Pulvy (Octane,Morte)
-3rd Antimatter (pretty much everystrong creature based god like Ferox)
-3rd Specter (Helps a ton against Miracle and usually speeds things up)
-2nd Mind Flayer (helps a lot against Osiris, Scorpio,Eternal Phoenix)
-1 Graveyard (speeds things up, i prefer the 3rd Specter over it though)
I reccoment using the 2nd Mindflayer.
They are all good choices and increase your % against certain gods.
The deck works pretty well on just one or two Quantum Tower since the average cost is pretty low, so if you are up for a gameble take out a Quantum Tower for any of the above cards.Almost the entire deck can be played after 2 Novas and your Mark provides you with 1
, so even if you don´t draw a Quantum tower you should still be in good shape.
God-by-God-RundownFavorable Matchup (>60 chance to win)
NeptuneThis should be a game you can´t loose as soon as you got a Buckler and Quinted Deamon out.
http://img16.imageshack.us/f/neptune2.png/http://i55.tinypic.com/ou6ond.jpgDestinySimmilar to Neptune. Buckler + Deamon take care of the threats. Safe your Antimatter for something worthy of it or you might loose.
http://i51.tinypic.com/2zpmrfa.jpgGravitonAntimatter his Elite Chargers if possible and watch out for Momentum.
http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/3098/graviton.png ParadoxAs soon as you got your first Quinted Deamon out after that you pretty much won. Make sure you use your Pulvy to destroy his Hourglasses - otherwise things might get nasty.
http://img835.imageshack.us/f/paradox.png/MiracleThis one is easy.Buckler+Deamon get rid of anything.
He can´t kill you with damage - he got no CC whatsoever so play your stuff when you get it and hope to get a golem early. It HAS to be huge to punch through the inevitable Miracles. Don´t draw cards from your Hourglass or you might deck out.
http://img194.imageshack.us/f/miracleks.png/GeminiCan be very close at times due to his potential Mass Twin Universe Spiders. Early Quinted Deamon + Buckler and this is easy.
http://img826.imageshack.us/i/gemini.png/Chaos LordCan sometimes get nasty with his Mutations. Version 4.0 got Mindflayers that basicly wreck his deck.
EldnisRan into him 4 times so far and never lost a game so this should be favorable.
Coinflip Matchup (+/- 50% chance to win)
ObliteratorSave your Antimatter for his Dragons.Early PA´d Pulvy = your toast, otherwise this matchup is very doable.
http://img840.imageshack.us/i/obliterator.png/DecayThis can be everything from favorable to unfavorable completly dependant on how many Quantum Towers you draw and the speed of his Fractal. Tower screwed = you are toast , otherwise you should be able to beat him. Pulvy his Eclipse asap and you should be safe.
http://i53.tinypic.com/2ir3i2o.jpgOctaneThis is almost pure luck based and either way going to be a short game. Either you kill him very smooth without much danger or he just blows you away with 6 unstable gas by turn 5. Play your stuff wisely and make sure your Pulvy is going to stick (bait explos with Hourglass etc).
You can afford to loose your Shields since his Unstable Gas also damages his creatures - ready to be Deamon "Fodder".Deamon should be your nr1 Quint target for this matchup.
SeismThis one is tricky. If he gets out a early PA´d Pulvy just quit - its lost.The battleplan is very tight.
Don´t draw off your Hourglasses too much cause it will be a long game.Don´t play more than 1 of each Tower to minimize Earthquake casualties - this is the main reason why its going to be a long match.
Try to establish this board position :
Fire Buckler
Quinted Maxwell Deamon
3x Shard of Gratitude
Be very economical with your Quanta - just play what you absolutly have to. You´ll most likly end up with a Golem and Quint in your hand sooner or later and might have to wait a couple turns to play both to end the game, but in order to survive your first quint has to go to Maxwell Deamon. If you are getting close to deck out play one of your Demons and Seism will use his reverse time on it (should prevent you from decking out for a while if you got enough :entropyQuanta). Be very careful when you play your shards, more than 3 should not be needed and you should avoid playing more to make sure you got the Quanta when you need it.
http://img715.imageshack.us/f/seism.png/Fire QueenBoth your starting hand and your opponents speed are deciding how this will go. Either you will setup Deamon + Buckler fast enough and have a really easy game or he gets a nut start with 2 FFQs on turn 3 while you are still setting up and most likly loose then.
IncarnateUse your pulvy to get rid of Boneyards/Eclipse. Might want to avoid playing the Buckler if you can win without it to prevent his Bonewall from becoming "unbreakable". Antimatter his Vamps if possible.
http://img265.imageshack.us/f/incarnate.png/MorteCheck Incarnate above, a very simmilar strategy should carry you through this.The matchup is a lot tougher but still a coinflip because of the Bonewalls.
OsirisUsed to be unfavorable but the Mindflayers of version 4.0+ turned it into a coinflip. It remains a tough matchup without an early Mindflayer.
Unfavorable Matchup (<40% chance to win)
ScorpioWith version 4.0 this became manageable - but is still highly unfavorable.
Dark MatterSave your Novas to get a Buckler / Pulvy out early and pray for a bad draw on his side.It is possible to beat Dark Matter with this deck, but not likly to happen.
Hermes This is doable but most of the time he is throwing too many threats out before you can handle them.
Eternal PhoenixSimmilar to Hermes, but even harder.You need him to play a Dragon to Antimatter - otherwise its pretty much lost.
http://img62.imageshack.us/f/eternalphoenix.png/Dream CatcherVery tough matchup. 8 out of 10 times i´ve lost. Once a Fate Egg / Pest got Butterfly Effect it is over unless you got enough damage out to end it fast.
Rainbow (dodge)
I knew its gonna be tough but the first game i just got slaughtered. Explo´d all my Towers and stole my Pulvy to get rid of my Shards one by one.I managed to get out a Quinted Deamon (did nothing to his growth creatures without the shields) and a Quinted Golem (couldn´t race his 5 Hourglass fueled army).Doubt that adjusting my battleplan would change anything to the bad matchup.
Divine Glory (dodge)
Haven´t won a match against it yet - i get horrible hands against him for some weird reason.
Most of your cards are dead against DG and its unlikly you can race it even with a good hand.
Just dodge.