After some more playing with the deck I really begin to like it. It isn't as fast as CCYB and hasn't the win rates (I suppose it's about 50 %), but it seems the deck can beat every FG (I've done so with all expect Dark Matter, Neptune and Osiris) and the 180 Electrum and Score for a EM is worth the longer games. Of course the deck isn't cheap, so it will never be a beginners deck. If you don't get rushed, you'll normaly win.
Normaly I only play 3 Hourglasses, that's enough. If you meet gods with PC use them as bait (for example against Octane) or use the shards/sancts, if you need drawing power as baits. Play the FD, Oty and Queen only immortal (unless you have to or the FG doesn't have CC), don't play the SoDs early, but save them until loosing the quanta doesn't slow you down any more. Spine Carapace is nice against immortal creatures if you heal enough.
Some details:
Akebono: Eternity and Gravity Shield or an FD saves your skin.
Chaos Lord: Unpredictible, and I haven't met him often, but seems to be an easier god.
Dark Matter: Chargers are nasty, you need to get Sanctuaries out early. Haven't had a real good draw in the games against him.
Decay: Probably the easiest god for this deck as long as you can play a Sanctuary which doesn't get stolen. Permafrost or Hope for a total shut-down.
Destiny: Easy.
Divine Glory: Spine Carapace or Hope for a win, Permafrost and Fog Shield also win the game
Dream Catcher: Try to get the BEed-creatures under control. If you can do so, you'll win.
Elidnis: One of the easier gods. Starts slowly and if he gets large immortal Spectres, Gravity Shield is your friend.
Eternal Phoenix: Every game is different, shields and Fire Storms are helpful.
Ferox: Don't get rushed -> easy win
Fire Queen: Nothing special to say - try to save your Storms until you can gain some control over the queens (Eternity, Oty, FD, Spine, Permafrost...)
Gemini: Quite easy, as the TU-rush doesn't bother your 220 HP. And Gemini likes to TU Fireflies.
Graviton: Hard, but beatable with the right cards. Gravity Shield isn't as important as it seems to be. Play Eternity early if you get it and have hourglasses out.
Hecate: Gravity Shield is your friend. But of course also other CC like Eternity, FD works (and you'll need them sooner or later because of chimera)
Hermes: A real tough one as always, but beatable with Gravity Shield and Fire Storms.
Incarnate: Slow thanks to Bone Wall. If you can wait for the Pulvy to destroy the Graveyards.
Jezebel: Unpredictible.
Lionheart: Gravity Shield = Instawin. But I also have beaten him with Spine Carapace. Don't play your Pulvi!
Miracle: Don't get rushed -> easy, but slow win
Morte: Haven't played him often, but the healing helps a lot to gain control.
Neptune: Haven't met him once - should be quite easy
Obliterator: Pulvy caused some pain, especially protected. the burrowed unstoppable Shriekers aren't a problem, as you heal enough to outlast the damage.
Octane: Easy thanks to healing a lot more than 20 HP every round.
Osiris: Haven't met him often and got outrushed those games. Should be easy with Gravity Shield and Pulvy
Paradox: Easy
Rainbow: Haven't met him often, won thanks to Spine Carapace and staying alive till he got no more cards.
Scorpio: As for Morte, you should be able to gain control before he causes too much poison damage.
Seism: A tough one, as you have real problems with your quanta.
Serket: Easy, Permafrost shuts him down.