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Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg74192#msg74192
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:48:27 pm »
Yeah I know many similar rainbows already exist, but since I made an account on this forum finally, might as well share my version.
I've been using this for months for PvPing, and the deck basically received only 2 changes with introduction of new cards over the time. It combines speed with some perma and creature control + has a pretty decent chance to hit Elemental Mastery for a speed deck.

Here's the deck, and I'll explain reasoning for cards:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 713 74a 74f 77g 7ae 7ah 7dm 7dq 7gm 7jv 7k0 7mu 7q5 7t9 7te 80a 80a 80g 8pj

6x Supernova - standard cards with mark of entropy. With those, you dont rely much on towers (my version only has 5 of them). If there was a way to play Supernovas on the first turn without towers, I'd probably remove them. However, you DO need them to make things faster (generating quanta for supernova on first/second turn is what kicks off the deck).

Creatures - most of those are pretty standard, trying to optimize quanta usage. Your weakest card here is Giant Frog, and with low cost is the perfect candidate for testing the waters and trying to draw out some creature control card.

Creature control - Liquid Shadow and 2 Thunderbolts. Those are there to make sure you dont get eaten or outrushed. Early Oty is a pain, 3 creature control cards make it more likely to draw something to keep those down.

Perma control - Explosion and Steal. 2 perma control cards are usually more than enough to destroy shields, SoGs, Hourglasses or weapons, whatever gets in your way of quick destruction. You need to have some knowledge here to know what to expect, so you dont waste those on weapon and SoG just to get locked down by chained shields.

Discord / Black Hole - Discord destroys mono/duo decks if you manage to draw it early. I saw too many rage-quits after drawing out this beauty. It also has fantastic synergy with Black Hole card - spread out their quanta, then suck it out for some outstanding healing. Black Hole also destroys pillarless rush decks, it slows your opponent down, it gives EM if used before the final blow. Learning to time this card right yields great results.

Unstoppable - Card that helps end things when your opponent finally manages to lay down a shield and gain control. Against rush decks, its a minor buff card. Whats not to like?

Light quanta cards - I was thorn up for a long time here, testing lots of versions. Finally I decided to go with both Blessing and Mirror shield.
Although another creature card instead of Blessing would probably add more damage overall, Blessing is exteremly useful in various situations. It helps your Lava Destroyer survive his first turn against some creature control, it helps many creatures against Oty, it gives great damage when diving with Wyrm...
Mirror shield is often overlooked shield. Its debatable should rush decks even waste time on defence. Well, some shield helps with score/money/EM. What is important to me is to not have my shield used against me (ie stolen) to slow me down. Mirror shield is untargetable, and it reflects spell damage, which is pretty awesome when against those boring fire decks. This basically rounds up the whole deck having an answer to practically everything your opponent throws at you.

Hourglass - I used to run two of those, really not needed. One is enough to speed things up, and even if you dont draw it early, you're fine. It takes 3 supernovas to set this thing up and use it once (1 time quanta is needed to evolve graboid). Having two of them clogging your starting hand is worse than not drawing hourglass at all till end game.

Liquid Shadow - This card is here because I just love it! Offensively, you want to use it on creatures like Oty, Druid etc where it works like a lobotomizer. Its good against Lava Golem too if placed on the first round.
Defensively, I like to use it on the few last turns on my first (bigger) creature (blessed Shrieker for example) for some healing and possible EM.

And there it is. Speed deck with decent EM percentage, well rounded with different types of control, damage and healing. It works great in PVP and for farming T50.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 09:02:37 am by willng3 »


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg74228#msg74228
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 11:46:59 pm »
I don't think you've played with speed rainbows long enough :P

The optimum number of towers, based on extensive testing, is five. You have too little permanent control, and it looks like you just threw a lot of cheap cards together. You have to pay attention to the cards themselves, I mean seriously. A mirror shield. Really? One damage per creature won't cut it, and if your deck is slower than a firebolt rush deck, then it's not a real PvP rainbow deck.


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg74241#msg74241
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2010, 12:02:30 am »
Dont let my postcount fool you, I have more than enough PvP matches behind me.
While I'm open to remarks, yours dont make sense at all.

The optimum number of towers, based on extensive testing, is five.
This is really weird statement because of two things:
1) I DO have 5 towers.
2) Optimum number of towers based on extensive testing of? Which deck? This deck? Some other deck? Any deck?

You have too little permanent control
I carry 2 perma control cards + Unstoppable force as an additional way of penetrating possible shields. Against control decks you want to win before they establish that control, you dont want to suddenly abandon speed deck idea and go with heavy control yourself. How much perma control cards would be enough for you?

it looks like you just threw a lot of cheap cards together. You have to pay attention to the cards themselves, I mean seriously. A mirror shield. Really? One damage per creature won't cut it, and if your deck is slower than a firebolt rush deck, then it's not a real PvP rainbow deck.
I explained reasoning behind cards, I wont repeat myself. I'd be more than happy to face your "real" PvP rainbow deck, or firebolt rush deck, or whatever deck you think is worthy.


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg74256#msg74256
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2010, 12:19:04 am »
Yeah, Abyss. This deck looks fine to me ;) I especially like your usage of Liquid Shadow and Black Hole. Not many speed rainbows pack these; it probably gives it a higher EM chance, no? Invaluable.

Great-looking deck.


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg74261#msg74261
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2010, 12:33:41 am »
I especially like your usage of Liquid Shadow and Black Hole. Not many speed rainbows pack these; it probably gives it a higher EM chance, no? Invaluable.
That is the idea. Both cards provide healing but with added benefits of offensive usage, so you can really adopt to the situation, and still aim for EM very often. One of the main drawbacks of Black Hole are mono/duo decks, and Discord takes care of spreading quanta around to make sure to get the most from this card.

Great-looking deck.
Thank ya  ;)


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg74300#msg74300
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2010, 01:29:39 am »
Let's do this, Mal. I'll be in chat.


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg74303#msg74303
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2010, 01:39:32 am »
Since i don't PvP much i'm not sure what decks you usually face BUT if you use it for T50 farming i would probably swap out a thunderbolt for a lightning storm. Since i see a whole lot of RoL/Hope decks there a lightning storm typically ends up being a savior (especially since this deck has only one steal and no lobotomize in it).


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg74330#msg74330
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2010, 02:15:07 am »
Are you there, duk?


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg74532#msg74532
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2010, 02:00:49 pm »
Since i don't PvP much i'm not sure what decks you usually face BUT if you use it for T50 farming i would probably swap out a thunderbolt for a lightning storm. Since i see a whole lot of RoL/Hope decks there a lightning storm typically ends up being a savior (especially since this deck has only one steal and no lobotomize in it).
You dont see much of a RoL/Hope decks in PVP due to them being relatively easy to counter. But yeah, when you do fight them, its a coin toss really.
Early Discord and rush with Lava Destroyer is pretty much a win. If they manage to play a Hope, you just want to momentum Lava Destroyer to finish things. It has actually more chance than other rush decks without AoE creature control.
But it works the other way around; early Electrocutor and Hope is pretty much a loss  ;D

As for Lightning storm, it would be a great card against RoL decks, but way too situational for my taste. I dont really see THAT many RoL decks on average day. If I do, I usually just toss Fire Buckler in for farming, and take it out when I go back to PvP. This makes deck a bit imbalanced on fire quanta usage, but really, you have a brain and are fighting AI, you should be able to cope with an alien in your deck. ;)

Are you there, duk?
Mate, I'm European. Last night I was half working, half asleep in front of my keyboard. I dont read forums all day long though it is always open in a browser.


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg75110#msg75110
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2010, 09:26:54 am »
You dont see much of a RoL/Hope decks in PVP due to them being relatively easy to counter. But yeah, when you do fight them, its a coin toss really.
Early Discord and rush with Lava Destroyer is pretty much a win. If they manage to play a Hope, you just want to momentum Lava Destroyer to finish things. It has actually more chance than other rush decks without AoE creature control.
But it works the other way around; early Electrocutor and Hope is pretty much a loss  ;D

As for Lightning storm, it would be a great card against RoL decks, but way too situational for my taste. I dont really see THAT many RoL decks on average day. If I do, I usually just toss Fire Buckler in for farming, and take it out when I go back to PvP. This makes deck a bit imbalanced on fire quanta usage, but really, you have a brain and are fighting AI, you should be able to cope with an alien in your deck. ;)
I agree lightning storm is a situational card BUT it is cheap (1 quanta) and have had it work in a few other situations (destroyers, getting an oty down to 4 so he can't eat my ulithirad, was able to steal a gas blow it up, lightning storm and take out 4 fireflies that would have killed me). I like fire shield but there are way too many steals in the T50 so i prefer not to use it. Typically if i lose in the T50 it's against RoL decks and the lightning does help a bit. But it is all preference. And i figured in PvP you won't see RoL much.

Tea is good

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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg80491#msg80491
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2010, 07:53:47 pm »
People think i'm stupid for bringing a rainbow. But i also have more control in my rainbow. Plus if you play all six supernovas or just survive several turns and have some supernovas you can usually have enough play it. plus miracle is a last turn card anyways. Just a suggestion. (it kinda makes up for the shield and the blessing, but costs more. But hey, just a different deck style.


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Re: Malduk's PvP2 rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6897.msg80749#msg80749
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2010, 01:32:35 am »
Was testing a deck and tested it out against Malduk and another player using a golem/immolation/rush. Gotta say Malduk's deck seems to work pretty well and beat me handily while i beat the golem deck. That discord can really mess your hand up (if you're not playing rainbow) and has decent perm and creature control for a rush deck. I think i'll try it out for a while and see if i like this deck better for t50.

