I'm having so much fun with this deck! It's nowhere near as efficient as CCYB, or even Rol+Hope. But...
Says someone who doesn't know how to play with this deck right way yet...
*Points Mindgate on Rainbows side.*
Well, I'm surely not the best player out there, but I'm pretty sure I can handle my own thanks.
In fact, the situation at that time was this: he was locked with Malignant Cells. I rewinded a Cell, but he was drawing 2 cards nonetheless thanks to him exploding my Eternity. I had to get the damage going, and more importantly since decking out was a possibility, I
had to get Mindgate out soon so that I could copy a Malignant Cell (no quanta needed to play, plus it can survive CC and spawn damage through my side of the field if no other creature comes - not counting I could rewind a Cell and play a creature immediately). I was sure he hadn't got Explosions nor Steals in his hand since my SoGs were there. So I risked. Probably a mistake since I could just wait for him to pack his hand of creatures before Eternity locking his hand... but I did it nonetheless - the risk was low after all. Ended up being stolen...
I'll add more detailed strategy guide to first post when I get time to write it, but here's one of the main strategical things for using this deck:
Never-ever play Mindgate when FG could possibly destroy/steal it.
Doing so against Rainbow can be tricky, but then the tactic is to use SoGs/weapons/shields as baits to lure FG using it's PC for those. If it doesn't use them while it does have the quanta for it, you can be fairly sure that it doesn't have those cards in hand. And if you can then Eternity-lock FG with Malignant Cells (or whatnot), you can then start cherry picking best cards from FG's deck with Mindgate.
I hope that short strategy pointer will help you on getting better results with this deck. If it wasn't written understandable enough, feel free to ask for more details.
These are things I routinely do... apart from the Mindgate. Some gods - Rainbow in particular, but Obliterator, Dream Catcher, Divine Glory, even Graviton sometimes - pull out so much PC you can't afford to "play it safe". Against these gods it's best to throw Mindgate out as soon as possible (if you're sure he doesn't have a PC card in his hand right away) and hope to steal him precious cards for as long as possible. It will end up destroyed anyway.
What I mean by "not as efficient" is: CCYB has a higher win rate, I'm pretty sure of that, but even more importantly, it's WAY faster. It can kill gods in about 15 turns on a good hand, while this deck has very slow matches (as you pointed out too). RoL+Hope, on the other hand, is one of the fastest FG decks with a consistent win rate (Shakar... not so sure. Maybe I suck at playing it, or had very bad luck, but I wasted 1000 electrum for 6 wins. Not that efficient...) and can easily net me 3-4 upgraded cards per hour, at times even more.
With this deck, I have lots of fun. But I win about 3 games per hour...
I'm auto-quitting against any FG that has more than 4 PC cards, unless I have a terrific starting hand.
This on the other hand, is exaggerating. I only auto-quit against Seism.