I tried out this deck a bit, and relying on Mindgate for Rewind fodder is really unreliable.
If you're not going to be decked out next turn, rewind Malignant Cell or some other creature and Mindgate that.
If you're going to be decked out, then use Crusader until you get some other creature from Mindgate.
I'd like to see the deck-maker's thoughts on when to use Spine and when to use Permafrost.
Now added to the 1st post.
67%, eh? Quite impressive. I'm fairly certain you'll have to provide a guide for anyone else but a few seasoned vets to get that high. Of course, you did have good matchups in the testing, but it's still impressive.
The win% will come down by default, because now so many FGs are now at 100% wins. My
educated guess is that this deck can beat FGs with rate around 60%:
Chaos Lord 95%
Dark Matter 0%
Decay 60%
Destiny 95%
Divine Glory 20%
Dream Catcher 35%
Elidnis 95%
Eternal Phö 0%
Ferox 95%
Fire Queen 95%
Gemini 90%
Graviton 20%
Hermes 0%
Incarnate 95%
Miracle 95%
Morte 70%
Neptune 99%
Obliterator 20%
Octane 80%
Osiris 95%
Paradox 95%
Rainbow 10%
Scorpio 70%
Seism 10%