Don't be so harsh on the guy. I've played hundreds of matches with the deck against False Gods using the slim version with one Air and one Time Pendulum removed for two Quantum Towers, and I can GUARANTEE that there is a high chance of drawing an undesirable amount of combo pieces before you can have the quanta to play them within the next two turns or so. You can improvise from time to time when you're playing against a False God that you know lacks creature control by playing your Light Dragon first or your Phase Shield is wearing off and you don't think you can draw a next one in time so you proceed with pulling off the combo part of the way (e.g. Light Dragon + Unstoppable + 1 Rage Elixer + Sky Blitz + 2/3 Parallels and waiting for more than one turn). These situations come up a disproportionate amount of times as I always seem to get a starting hand clogged with 3+ combo pieces or 3+ Phase Shields/Hourglasses. The key is to understand exactly what potential plays you can make, exactly what potential plays your opponent can make, exactly what you have left in your deck and gauge for yourself what improvisations might need to be made, if any. Unless you all can prove that you've NEVER encountered a similar situation before and you don't feel like just giving up, it's not entirely unlikely that he knows how to play the deck and runs into situations where he couldn't afford to keep all the combo pieces.