Dear Chapuz,
I started like one month and a half ago with playing elements.
After AI3 grinding I went quiqly to T3 Bronze grinding (but didn't found a deck that won every time yet).
Then i went to PvP1 and realized this was a electrum-mine! Also, I won a few times against players with a lot higher level.
One time I won 3 shards of readiness with the spin!!! It was against a very high player, but yeah I had a good hand and draw.

Then I thought, it's time for the next step, let's go for the FG's. Did some research on the forum again.
Then I found your deck and just kept grinding PvP1 until I had 10,000 electrum.
While grinding I searched for a good T3 Bronze grinder and found the mono-Darkness (wich I haven't bought yet).
I can't compare to other FG decks, but after 2 losses with slim version, I used your fatty version.
It works fine.
Note that i use the semi-unupped version with 6 upped cards.
The positive thing about the fatty version is, it has those sanctuaries.
Not only do they heal you providing a higher chance to win, but they also have a good chance of giving you a 100HP-bonus win resulting in more electrum.
It doesn't make that much of a difference, 120 electrum instead of 60. But that's still a nice benefit.
But the point is, if you know the concept of a half-god, then it's pretty impressive if you win against it with 100HP left. Wich your fatty-version does..
With it I have like about a 40% win ratio. But i only played 13 games against it yet, so this could be a totally wrong statement.
I haven't tried the fat fat version, but I think the slim version has a low survivability. I'm going to try the fat fat version soon.
I feel like the fatty version needs more hourglasses, like you said about the slim version --> possibly good adjustments.
There are a few things about it though. You told the main strategy is to OHKO with the eight cards and you explained how.
But for example Miracle or Ferox in the games I played haven't used CC yet.
So I lost those games by following the strategy you explained.
Instead I could have won by just using up the twin universes, golden dragon, rage elixers I had in my hand atm.
So for everyone first trying a HG-deck I would explain that with for example Miracle and Ferox, you don't need to follow the strategy strict.
As for the the FG's using CC, a lot of them, I would go for the main strategy you explained.
Okay, maybe I had to do my homework better on the different FG's.
Thanks a lot for the FG-deck
