This deck is pretty similar to what I've been using:

I ended up going with two Graveyards because it seemed that having that card buried near the bottom of the deck was a common theme in my losses.
Two SoGs have been offsetting the loss of two Sundials and a Feral Bond pretty nicely, though I haven't done any math on that or anything
I agree in principle with wanting to rely on mutants for steals and destroys, but the Butterfly Angel is obviously much more reliable there, so I'm happy with it.
I might see how things go with replacing the Steal with the Permafrost shield. The damn thing never freezes anyone for me, though, so I've been pouting.
An interesting side note is that the deck has a pretty respectable rate (30% or so) against the FGs, but it's an absolute beast vs. L5 -- something like an 80% win rate, and most of those with EMs. So for days where I need electrum or a mood boost, I'll use that approach as a quick way to bank up the funds.