Yes, I like the use of the water quanta in some way.
Whyen do you tend to play out the ice shield?
Generally my progression has been Sundials->Phase Shields->Bonewall, essentially stalling for a while until I can set up a bonewall play with rain of fire/otyugh backup to keep it alive for a long time.
Permafrost shield is probably better when combined with the shards than without them. With the shards its ok to take some damage each turn just not a ton. Permafrost is good at making that happen wihle sticking around indefinitely.
I tried playing without Sundials last night and had a couple losses to Fire Queen and Ferox where I couldnt draw enough defense, that I felt I shouldnt have lost with sundials in there. But maybe I just need to shirnk the deck further and get all my shards upgraded so I can use them.
Ok, so the 35 card deck will not have sundials but will rather focus on getting lots of hourglasses quickly... The only reason to use a sundial (i think) is because you didn't draw a shield yet... so in my ideal game I would use (bone wall 1/phase shield 1) -> (phase shield 2/permafrost) -> (if need be bone wall 2).
Power of the permafrost shield is that on average it allows enemy creatures to attack only about half as often as they would otherwise. This means that each create has offence which is
Effective offense = (Original offense -2) / 2
So a 5 offense creature will do about 1.5 damage per turn .. so gods that mass weak creatures will get screwed... also, zans indicated that it will be made that immortal and burrowed creatures will be capable of being frozen.. which makes this shield EXTREMELY powerful against dg and seism. Indeed, it may make beating dg with this deck doable.
For many gods (ferox, seism, destiny, chaos lord, death gods) I think that permafrost would be an exceptionally powerful counter.
Loosing sundials will be VERY bad only against gemini and graviton (due to momenta) but graviton already beats me pretty consistently and gemini, well, we'll see