Glad I got named in the OP, although I wouldn't really call myself a veteran unless at least a game version passed by, but that's another story.
As for the deck, it looks pretty nice, although I always hated quanta-splitting (and thus many trios and quartets).
I'd rather go for 6 Novae and drop the Amethysts Tower, they'd be dead draws and will make you have a lot of spare quanta there. The space you gained COULD (I said, I hate quanta splitting stuff like this) go to Air, maybe a couple of pillars.
Given that you won't need to rack up much quanta (only 22 Aether quanta is the problem, of which 6 are given by Novae), I think you may aim for moar speed.
In the end, I'd most likely do:
-2 SN
+2 Nova
-4 Amethyst Tower
+1 Aether Tower
+1 Wind Tower
+1 Shard of Bravery
You'll have one more slot, and it'll either go to Aether or Wind Tower, IMHO, unless you have better plans. I think 1 Wind Tower is okay, because if it stays even only one turn on the field, it will have given you the quanta you needed.
I think it is greatly beaten up by various denial decks (devourers, earthquake and BH) and a random Spell reflecting shield (lulz), aside from that, it -should- be okay.