Just wondering:
is there any specific reason why no one talks about have a dissipation field in his/her deck?! I have one and specifically later in the game when some gods (like rainbow, seism and graviton) can still deal a lot of damage, I find it works incredibly well, even though it might cost you some quanta, but it often uses quanta which you don't need anyway
Any opinions on using it?!
I'm sure dissipation field has its place in the late game against the hard hitting gods. My reason not to run it, even in those situations against those gods you mentioned, are as follows:
1.) Against Seism, the most effective shield against him aside from a phase shield would be his very own Diamond shield. Since you are already tight on quanta in this battle, you definitely don't want to play a dissipation field, effectively killing a comeback. If you can neutralize a few of his big hitters, Seism can barely touch you if you have a stolen Diamond Shield.
2.) Against Graviton, if he has a ton of damage on the board in the late game, you are already in trouble, or have done something wrong. In addition, anything with momentum will just zoom right on past the dissipation field anyway, so the best shield would still be a bone shield, as it will soak up whatever is not momentum'd. Although you should have an Otyugh or two in charge of the board by then anyway.
3.) Against Rainbow, you have to not only have a good enough draw to keep up with him, but you have to keep up the pressure and continue the defense as strong as possible in the late game. The best stalling tactics in order to deck Rainbow (the most reliable and popular method of beating him) require enough time quanta to use Eternity every turn for several turns, and if you have a dissipation field up, it will go bye-bye
very fast. In addition, it can be stolen, which is TERRIBLE for you, as you will then have to destroy it, or try to fight through his ~4000 quanta. That's why the best shield to use in this scenario is Bone Shield, to eat up all the late game Improved Steals/Explosions. The last thing you want is to play a dissipation shield and see it, along with your bonds and yards and eternity, all go over to the other side.