Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 74b 77f 77i 77i 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7dq 7dq 7gp 7gp 7q5 7q8 80h 80h 80j 80j 8pj
Note: Not sure Mindgates are not showing up but yeah two blanks are upped Mindgates.
Author Acknowledgement I'd like to thank Amilir, Puppychow, and Scaredgirl for sharing their decks and strats. It gave me great insight to build this FG deck that's been pretty successful against most FG.
General Strategy Psychic Copycat utilizes quints and protect artifacts (pa) to lockdown critical cards for defense, offense, and map control. PA the permafrost first because it is your primary defense. Few cases where you want to PA something else first is against FGs that use land destruction cards like earthquake. As for the 2nd PA, save it for eternity so it doesn't get blown up or stolen...otherwise you will most likely deck out even if you have the FG by the balls for 'teh win'.
Once your defenses of shard of gratitudes (sog) and permafrost is up. Bring out the Lava golem or Otyugh and start pumping them up. Don't take the risk and summon them without quint unless you know FG has no or little creature control. There are exceptions, against Miracle I almost always play Lava golem ASAP regardless so I can start pumping Lava golems early. Otherwise you won't win at all against Miracle. There were couple games against Miracle where my Lava golem was walking around with 40+ attack. Thank goodness for copied ray of light and eternity to stop deck out.
If you draw the lone Hourglass early, use it to speed up deployment of your defenses and lockdown. If you draw it later, use it as bait for FG to destroy or steal the hourglass before your other more precious perm card in play.
By now you are wondering why I call my deck Psychic Copycat so let me explain. Mindgates allow you to draw card from top of opponent's deck...which means you now know what card FG will draw. At least one of them anyway... This lets you be 'Psychic' to know what will be coming your way so you can stay one step ahead and prepare a counter if possible. Mindgates also lets you 'Copycat' your opponent since you now draw cards from FG's deck as well as yours. There are other tricks with Mindgate that I will go into more detail in Deck Breakdown.
Lastly, since Psychic Copycat only has 1 hourglass it's acceleration is slow compared to others that do leverage multiple hourglasses ("nitros"). However the peak speed of this deck badass due to fact that you can't risk deck out by drawing too much using Mindgate while hourglass will deck you out.
Deck Breakdown MindgateThis is what makes this deck stand out and give its name. Aside from it's 'psychic' and 'copycat' ability, the two big advantage is the continuous card draw power and providing greater flexibility in combating FG by using their cards against them. Especially if you have both Mindgates out and have enough quanta being generated to copy two cards at a time. As tempting as it is to just draw as much as quanta allows you...try to conserve enough quanta early on so you can throw down quint + creature combo when you get it. Every turn counts for this thin deck of 35 cards so you don't want to loose a turn or more while holding a creature and quint in your hands because you blew the quanta to draw a card or two earlier than later.
Mindgate really shows power when you combine it with Eternity. Reverse time the creature you want from FG's field, and then copy it. Because Psychic Copycat deck only has 3 creatures, this is tremendously helpful on getting extra damage dealers. I don't know what else to say except Mindgate is so freaking powerful in hands of a rainbow deck.
PermafrostI've considered and tested using other shields like upped Fire, Fog, Darkness, and Entropy shields. Bottom-line for me was that reduction in 2 damage and chance for freeze outweighs the heavy 7 water quanta cost. Yes it will be slow to be cast but when it does and especially if you have PA on it. It will shut down decks like Decay and Osiris.
Eternity and PulverizerPulverizer being sole card in your deck to manage perm cards in play...make sure you bring it out to destroy exactly the cards you need. For example, fire shield shuts down this deck and that must be taken out. It's either Pulverizer or you copy using Mindgate and hope that you'll draw deflag. Eternity is key to stop or slow down deck out and for controlled creature copy as combo with Mindgate.
I will be posting about individual FG strats using this deck and screenshots of my success against them at later time to show that this is not a theorycraft deck or something thrown together in Trainer.