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52n 52n 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u6 6ug 71b 71b 74b 74b 74o 77f 77f 77i 77i 7am 7am 7do 7gp 7gv 7gv 7k2 7n3 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7t9 7t9 80d 80d 80h 80h 80s 8ps
So i was fiddling around with nymphs the other day and i thought. Why doesn't the standard FG deck include nymphs
when they are some of the best creatures is the game? I know they are rare but players that are on 24/7 and have a lot of luck generally have some nymphs.
Why does the deck have...
Boneyard: To produce lots of fodder for mutation and they help with healing when you have a feral bond. They are unupped to lower costs.
Quantum towers: To produce quanta... duh...
Supernova: These are great to gain a little extra quanta when you need it.
Fallen Druid: To mutate creatures and get loads of extra damage
Purple Nymph: Anti-matter is an extremely useful card for healing yourself and slowing down the damage against you.
Bone Wall: Very helpful for extra protection. Excellent card to play just before using fire storm.
Elite Otyugh: This is really the backbone of any rainbow deck. They are awesome for killing lots of small creatures.
Gravity Nymph: Very helpful for healing especially for decks with lots of elements.
Pulveriser: Eternity is not needed as you’re never going to deck out with this deck. So and if you get out a PA'd pulveriser you can destroy any opponents that need their permanents.
Protect Artifact: To protect your permanents. You should use this mainly on your Pulveriser and your permafrost shield.
Feral Bond: Great for extra healing.
Fire Storm: Extremely helpful for gods that creature spam. Can be amazing when used in combination with bone wall while playing against firefly queen.
Permafrost Shield: Freezes creatures rendering them useless. The 2 damage protection is nice as well.
Ulitharid: Lobotomizing is very helpful especially against gods like Osiris who are dependent on creature skills.
Improved Miracle: Great against gods like scorpio who just mass damage you without using creatures (or gods using momentum.)
Elite Queen: Fireflies are great for damage and for mutation fodder.
Electrum Hourglass: With a huge deck like this drawing cards is essential to get to your important cards quickly.
Improved Steal: For stealing the FGs permanents... duh...
Phase Shield: Nice to stop a little bit of extra damage while waiting for you Permafrost Shield.
Quintessence: Great to use on Otyughs or nymphs or druids.
Aether Nymph: Über version of quintessence.
It would be great if Someone made a god by god breakdown. I wont have much internet access over the next few weeks so i dont have time to make one ):
My average over 57 games is 47% give or take a few percent. I'm pretty sure another 6% or so could be added by tweaking.
Thanks for reading and post comments below.