Finally done :
Tested on a semi-functional high speed AI (i.e. computer is not powerful enough to fully utilize the high speed).
Giant Amphibi'EM v2.0 (-1 CP, -1 Phoenix, +2 Explosion variant): (,21620.0.html)
Games: 200 | Avg ttw: 7.836 | Avg. sec/game: 72.900 | Wins: 183 (91.50%) | Losses: 17 | EMs: 113 (61.75%) |
posted by - pikachufan2164
6u2 6u2 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 713 77g 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ai 7ai 7ai 7dm 7dm 7gm 7jr 7tb 7tb 80g
Score gained: 4946 Score/game: 24.730 Score/min: 20.354
Electrum gained (no spins): 5511 Electrum/game (no spins): 27.555 Electrum/min (no spins): 22.679
Electrum gained (with spins): 6471 Electrum/game (with spins): 32.355 Electrum/min (with spins): 26.630
Time overall (min.): 243.000 | ttw 3: 0 ttw 4: 1 ttw 5: 18 ttw 6: 37 ttw 7: 41 ttw 8: 24 ttw 9: 28 ttw 10: 12 ttw 11: 9 ttw 12: 4 ttw 13: 7 ttw 14: 1 ttw 15: 1 |
Adding Explosions was probably counter-productive to the strategy. If someone else would like to test the 4 Frog, 4 Heal version, I would be happy to hand it off to them -- testing the same variant of the deck for almost 400 games is sort of tiring ^_^"