. You need 6 hourglasses because you can't have more.
. Skele mutation and creature creation wuth eternity is awsome in thie decks, put 4-5 graveyards. you will have enough quanta for all that
stuff anyways, and etenity gives upgraded creatures!
. pendemoniums in this deck styles don't use to be good, they can kill your precious mutations.
. I don't like that shard variety, and you will have all the quanta needed for whatever you want so just keep 6 SoG if you have them.
. Having only 1 Luciferace and 1 hope won't let you play the combo in the whole game, add more or take them out too (yeah, I noticed the nymph). I would opt for taking them out.
. Skull buckler and bone wall together don't offer versatility, if you add CC you can have a buckler and a permafrost (that's very powerful). You don't have enough CC to keep a big wall anyways.
. You will want to protect shield, weapon or whatever, so add 2-3 PAs.
. replace all the pendulums for more quantum towers.
. The CC you have is not enough, +2 Otys and another plague can make the deck much more powerful.
. that lonely sundial... it won't hurt, but looks like a space filling and no more.
. you can omit that supernova too, it's nothing in that 60-card deck if you have 20+ pilars.
mark for early hourglass playing is a must
. It doesn´t need to have 60 cards as you can just don't deck out with the eternity on a cheap creature/mutation
Conclution: I love timebows, but this one doesn't show a general strategy. I love the amount of CC you put on it, and adding some more can make it much better. In big rainbows, many hourglasses are always needed, as I said before.
Thanks for sharing this idea!