because i like bronze/silver farmer able to em and be decently fast
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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 786 786 786 786 786 7ai 7ai 7ai 7ai 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7nq 7nq 7nq 7nq 7nq 7nq 8pn
-19 wins over 20 matches in bronze with this version
-9/19 em against non 1 hp decks
-in only one game i had a bad hand
-em'd every 1 hp deck, even if 5 damsel and 5 nova+soi doesn't guarantee always to play a golem or a damsel
-is a shard golem deck, so things can go bad with a crappy draw
-i already tried to swap 1 copy of a card for another copy of another card (like -1 heal +1 damsel, it's rng, u will always have crappy draws)
-rt/am on a golem=surrend BUT u can bait rt with damsels and draw with sobr
-ttw isn't so good because this isn't a full soi deck, but i think is decent for a deck able to em so often (with a decent start against a 100 hp deck u should got a 7 ttw)