Singularites. Ever since they were discovered, elementals tried to controll them.
Right now, there are 3 ways to use them.
There is mutation, using them as a 'cheap' creature.
Then, there is chimera+antimatter, using their increasingly negative damage and infestation for OTK.
Finally, probably the least used is chimera + congeal + catapult, using the increasing HP and infestation for OTK.
However, a recent breakthrough makes this combo a lot stronger, allowing for succesfull taming.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 74g 74h 74h 77l 77l 77l 77l 7gn 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 8ps
Afdarenty discovered that singularities will still continue using the abilities while they are delayed.
This means that, upon BB'ing a singularity, it will copy the +0|+20 to the new singularity.
A common problem with singularity OTK's is that the number of turns you need protection against them often exceeds the available protection.
This deck does not suffer from that.
An early BB gives some stall near the start, usually untill the singularity casts epi.
This deck is a little low on

, but it doesn't seem to be too big of a problem.
Mulligan is more important, and there are no less important cards than another pend.
It is very easy to modify, though. BB is cheap enough to be fueled with SN; go ahead and use completely different support cards, with a different mark.
You can grab mark of

to fuel BH's (singularities grant the opponent your needed quanta);
you can use feral bonds for healing;
With enough pends, you might even fractal singularities.
Strategy:- Try getting a singularity ASAP.
- Use BB on singularity whenever possible- don't give them the chance to quint themselves.
- Dials are to be played after the BB ended, basically when needed.
- You will need congeal to win; otherwise you'd need a 9901 hp creature.
- AI targets hourglasses over trebuchet. Dont forget to play one (and only one!) before your final turn.
- You will need a 195 hp frozen chimera to win.
- Since upon targeting the chimera with freeze it resets to 499 hp, you can never deal more damage than 125. Don't bother with ai4.