>since it takes quantum pillars only 3 turns to catch up with them
That's the key, 3 turns to catch up...
If you take a fresh look at your deck, you'll realize, that at it's core it's really a SoPa+Pestal or a Dual Water/Darkness Control. You said it yourself, it plays like a control deck more than a denial deck, and that's for a reason, however once you look at that, look at how many cards it takes to get through to all that, it's a slow control deck with braveries to try to speed it up, but those come at the risk of speeding up your opponent too, without the proper defensive control or shielding. Your sighting 1 card needed here or 1 card there, are you hoping the RNG always saves you?
I think given your comments, what you're really trying to do is a brave pestal ... take a closer look, and refocus the deck to speed it up.
The FGs are all really easy with a simple unupped deck to counter; as long as you know which one you are facing. They are built with specific weaknesses and strengths. The challenge of the FG is the randomness of which you are facing and that there is no perfect deck or near perfect deck to beat them all. Any average, decently built upped deck will have about a 20% or WR by default. Most of the farming decks revolve around two ideas with FGs speed such as the voodoo doll decks that have around 30 to 50% WR but only take a few turns to win, so although you might lose a lot, your winning enough fast enough to net a high amount of electrum. Or, around abuse of the AI not handling a card right and that card being an overpowered card (SoPa today, SoSa a year ago and SoR 1 to 2 years ago, Sundial a few years before that, etc) that yields 60 to 70% WRs.
I use the trainer a lot, my personal guide, is on a 15 to 20 game run, I must have 80% or greater against AI4 before making the maybe viable in Arena, must have 40% or greater against FGs before making a viable against gold or plat claim. Even then a few times I've redacted that just because of RNG luck.