It's nice - I'm having a bit of bad luck today, so I only got 5 of the easy gods and got 5 of the skip ones. Overall, I got - Paradox, paradox, paradox (o.O) elidnis and destiny killed.
It relies on a little luck, that's true. a few times, my shield chain broke - and the other one was 1 draw away. Obviously, it gave me quite some hit, but I survived and got the other shield. It broke again, but by that time I had a nova + sundial, fixing the chain.
It's a nice deck to play with - it doesn't needs THAT much attention, but it requires the attention of you not accidentally breaking the shield chain yourself.
If you get lucky, you can hold onto the shields for slightly longer then 18 cards - I got till 14 cards against paradox, but I only had 5 hp left, so I was forced to start playing the shields.
The longer you hold onto the shields, the bigger the chances that the chain won't break. Because of that, SoG's are nice to have so they not only keep you alive, but give you a better chance of having a better shield chain. Unfortunately, I don't have the SoG's - yet. - But the deck still works.
What can be annoying are a few shields come repeatedly (happened once), few burning pillars in the first turns (but it will be fixed late - game) and nova in the 5- lower cards of the deck.
Overall, I think it's pretty nice that a deck un-upped like this can farm a few fg's to get more money to make FG decks that can kill all - or almost all, since I doubt there's a deck that can kill all FG's..- Fake Gods.