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6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 713 713 745 77f 7ae 7ae 7dm 7dq 7gv 7k5 7n0 7n0 7n7 7q5 7q5 7t9 80a 80g 8pj
A few weeks ago I got bored of grinding silver with my alt and decided to hop over to bronze for some quick shards to let me build a sosebow or something else more interesting than what I'd been doing. The alt had been using wrecking ball, so I figured there was some speedbow that would share some of the cards and would be able to get me some quick shards out of bronze so I could move on. However, I couldn't find any that had been tested, nor any that had been recently posted that looked interesting. So, FEVER was born.
After a few iterations of playing around with balance between control and speed, I settled on the version above. It has less control than any of the popular arena farming rainbows, but this is bronze so less control is necessary since you're not going up against double draw. After I settled on the build, I decided to run some tests and see just how effective it was. The first test came in at
49-1, which is a lot better than I'd been expecting. In order to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I decided to do a second test before posting results. Surprisingly, that second test was completely without losses.
I have done
a lot of arena tests, and I have never before pitched a perfect game.
So, here we are. Results from first 100 tests are as follows:
Wins: 99 Losses: 1 Win Rate: 99.00% EMs: 4/99 EM Rate: 4.04% TTW: 9.13 SSPH: 7.08 UEI: 2375.76
So, yeah. According to my 100 games above, this is one of the fastest special spin farmers in the game, and the fastest
shardless special spin farmer (against any target) by
quite a wide margin. It is beat out by a couple of SoB and/or SoFr-based rushes in bronze, but only by a little bit.
I would very much appreciate it if anyone else wanted to test this deck out so we have some stats that weren't created by me. I don't think it's actually going to maintain a 99% win rate over thousands of games, though I do anticipate it'll stay above 95% or so. If you do want to test it, though, I'd appreciate it if you play a few games with it before starting the test to get a feel for it. It requires a bit more thought/meta knowledge to properly use the limited amounts of control than the average bronze rush.
Some random notes on the deck:
-Knowing your opponent is very important, because the deck has a lot of flexibility. Being able to predict what your opponent is going to play in the next couple of turns is vital.
-Your control is
precious, particularly your CC. Don't waste it.
-CC should be spent on squids/mind flayers/maxwell's demons if there's any real chance they have anything like that. Failing that, it should be spent on an early hard hitter like a crimson dragon. Failing that, you should pretty much just hold onto it in case something nasty comes out. Many games, both pieces of CC were just used to end the match one TTW faster.
-Don't be afraid to burn some PC on quanta denial if they're having a low-pillar draw.
-Remember that this is bronze. EMs don't matter. Ending HP doesn't matter. Feel free to just soak damage and hold your control for more dangerous things if you don't think they're going to be able to burst damage and kill you off.
-An early discord is victory against a surprisingly large number of decks.
-If you're up against a mono aether, burn CC against any psions they play pretty much immediately.
-If you're up against a mono darkness, it can be worthwhile to CC early devs to cripple their quanta flow. Also, if you get an early discord, you've pretty much won.
-Draw from the hourglasses basically always. Situations where you don't want to draw are quite rare.
-Your weakness is pretty much CC spam/mass CC. A single rain of fire is going to nearly clear your whole field, while an uncountered maxwell's demon or arctic squid is going to pretty much shut you down as well. Fortunately, neither of these things are terribly common. RoF is expensive so it can be prevented by discord (and just by rushing really quick, which this deck is good at). Maxdemon/squid are instant CC targets by themselves, and in groups you pretty much have to save up a number of cards to play in the same turn as your mind flayer to allow it some leeway to get a lobo or two off while the CCs-on-a-stick target other creatures.
-Don't be afraid to use a spider or a frog to soak up single-target CC.
-More notes as I remember them.
So anyways, hope this is useful to some of you. People who have been farming FG with firecell or have been in AI4 and therefore have money but no shards, this is for you.