Games: 200
avg. Sec/Game: 59.180
Sec/Turn: 9.568310428
Clicks/Game: 17.450
Clicks/Turn: 2.821341956
Score/Min: 18.22406218
Electrum/Min: 18.8577222
Time overall (min.): 197.267
Wins: 187
Ems: 25
Losses: 13
Score: 3595
Electrum: 3720
Average TTW: 5.904
ttw 3: 0
ttw 4: 25
ttw 5: 67
ttw 6: 46
ttw 7: 22
ttw 8: 14
ttw 9: 6
ttw 10: 5
ttw 11: 1
ttw 12: 1
ttw 13: 0
ttw 14: 0
ttw 15: 0
ttw 16: 0
6TTW sound barrier broken! The speed took a huge hit during the second 100 games of testing. I literally encountered the Pandemonium/Voodoo Elder 10 times out of 50 games alone, which is when I noticed that the TTW took a huge dive (the TTW was ~5.82 at the end of 100 games, by the end of the 150th game, it had reached nearly 6). Fortunately RNG was more favorable on me during the last 50 and I managed to just squeeze it in under 6. I'll submit this to the 3.0 TTW Study in light of this information.