6 glasses are too much, same for 16 towers and snovas, 500 hp decks use not more than 18 towers
without snovas, and have 60 cards (actually most of 500 hp decks use around 15-16 towers)
u can use unupped graveyards, saving 2

for bone walls can be helpful in early game
heavy armors was used in cover&cry, but quintessences is simply better against fg with rewind or with lobo and spells like overdrive, liquid shadow etc
u can think to add one or two lava destroyer for speed up a little bit the win (like in ccyb)
idk if u risk to deckout against fgs with a lot of healing, eternity can be an option
other additions can be protect artifact, sancs, pulverizer, idk if purify can really help against decks with poison, but probably u will lose the same