Well, old times and RoL hope didnt occur to me in the making of the deck. The only edits of the deck was -1 tower +1sop and -2 hope +2 improved miracle to begin with. In chat someone said -1 sop +1 tower and thats how that change got made. Then I did the math and figured hope would block more game by game, but it's weaknesses would be poison and freedom. If I have miracles then freedom will still probably kill me, and with 1 more counter to the deck, the overall effectiveness against the rest of them would increase, so thats why i made the change. When posting it though, I saw the combo cards for Rol Hope. I built the deck according to the cards I thought would be most useful in a fractal sob deck out. Im not reaping any credit from RoL hope, in fact I sighted it in the subject heading.