Haven't been on here for a while. And I am running a slightly modified version of this deck great success (see below). It definitely takes getting used to, there are different strategies I play for almost every type of deck I face.
I've also recently built an upped poison dial (from the community recommended thread). I use that deck to farm FG and Gold for cards (much better win rates) but I still use this deck when I'm looking for some

. Once you get to know it, you can tell within 5 turns whether you will win or not.
Quit instantly against the following (not worth your time, and you will
very rarely win):
-Anything with Shard of Wisdom
-Anything with Shard of Freedom
-Most gravity decks (SoF and momentum are brutal)
-Ghost of the Past decks (beatable, but not often enough to make it worth trying)
SoD is optional, but has saved me many times and gives a huge boost to EM. Second purify will get upped someday...but I've never needed it upped yet.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
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