I'm fine with the Supernovas. What I'm most concerned with is the Animate Weapons because I believe it to be a waste. I have stated my points on why I think one does not need more than one Discord out at a time and I have also expressed my concern on the low attacking power and/or creature control with this deck.
I do suppose I could have been unconstructive when I suggested that a basic mono Gravity with Discords would work better but it depends on where we're coming from. I was merely saying that something simple, tried and tested works better than this deck in its current incarnation so more work should be done.
And when I say I haven't seen it it just means I haven't seen anybody (else) use it. Doesn't mean I haven't tried. I just didn't like the need to balance a decent amount of

for Black Holes and a decent amount of

for Discords all the while trying to not stop yourself from being able to cast Supernova. When you want to have 6 Discord, 6 Black Hole and 6 Supernova, along with the necessary Gravity or Entropy Towers because your Mark can only power one of them, you really don't have much space for anything else. You could try to cut back on some of the cards mentioned earlier but it just means the deck becomes less reliable on its main strategy.
Here, making the Discords fly means you use will use up even more

or you can stop for a turn or two to avoid not being able to use Supernovas (again we come back to being slow and the possibility of being outrushed). Flying is just too much hassle for the very little benefit that the extra scramble brings.