okay i have gotten about 5k score and like 8000 electrum since last night without actually playing much...this deck is boss. 
While Jmdt is level 7. This deck is level 8
200 games, 195 wins, 5 losses. 97.5% Win Rate.
144 Elemental Mastery's yields a 73.85% EM Rate. (We're rounding this to 74%...)
Average Turns to Win: 5.9333 "Any deck in the 6 or less ttw range is stupid fast" ~ Jmdt
Win Count:
3: Sadly, none, although it is possible. I had 2 with a different variation (luck...)
4: 26 -- That's ~1/8 games!
5: 63 -- That's Almost 1/3!
6: 54
7: 24
>7: 28 (Longest was 11)
This deck is just amazing to use. I would easily recommend this over Jmdt's Ultimate Speed EM Deck because, well, this deck is simply more Ultimate

. While not for use by casual grinders, this deck takes a little thinking and strategy, more so than you would believe. Those numbers were optimized by me picking between the following options: Win now because I can't get an EM, or stall 1 turn (harder than you might think) and get the EM one turn later. If you're one of those who wants to grind score while being a lazy *bleep* couch potato watching TeleVision, Stick with USEM. But for those who seek a little variety and entertainment, DEMA is for you!