I played 25 games just to see roughly how fast this deck would be. I got a preliminary ttw of 5.88 which would put it just behind a shrieker rush for 5th on the current list. Obviously it will change with more testing. Stay tuned.
I was grinding t50s with my slightly upgraded fire/light rush (only 4 cremations upgraded, and fahrenheit instead of hammer, because it's better non-upped), and I encountered your deck.
Unfortunately, my opener was 4 photons and 4 cremations, so I wound up with 36 fire quanta, and proceeded to draw deflags and pillars, and no creatures, so I couldn't really test its mettle.
Your deck seemed fast, but its opening burst is not incredibly fearsome, nor does it seem as resilient (rain of fire seems terrible for many of your starting hands) as some other styles of speedbow. That said, I'm kind of digging the build. Keep at it jmdt