Alright, here it is: stats for 200 (AI3) games.
avg. Sec/Game: 60.32
Sec/Turn: 10.57
Clicks/Game: 15.71
Clicks/Turn: 2.75
Score/Min: 19.42
Electrum/Min: 19.99
Time overall (min.): 201.07
Wins: 198
EMs: 22
Score accumulated: 3905
Electrum accumulated: 4020
EM rate: 11%
Avg ttw: 5.67
ttw Details:
ttw 3: 0
ttw 4: 43
ttw 5: 66
ttw 6: 42
ttw 7: 22
ttw 8: 15
ttw 9: 8
ttw 10: 3
ttw 11: 1
ttw 12: 0
ttw 13: 0
ttw 14: 0
ttw 15: 0
ttw 16: 0
Slightly different from the stats calculated at 50 games, but still darn consistent. Only 4 duels with ttw of 10 or more is quick indeed (note that 1 10ttw and 1 11ttw were losses). Unfortunately the duels now take a little over a minute each according to the stats for 200, but I'm satisfied either way.
A few observations I will note after playing this deck:
The time elder can destroy this deck if he manages to pull out Reverse Times early on (which is true of most if not all pillar-less lava rushes really).
CC will make you want to beat the elders senseless yourself; please be kind to your computer(s).
Bury Shriekers when appropriate (yes there is a time for this believe it or not).
Beware early Oty's/Maxwell's. If the AI hasn't pulled one out for about 3 turns then you can usually just mow over him anyway, but be cautious nevertheless.
It still never ceases to amaze me how after multiple turns of not having a single destroyer to play, the instant I play one it gets Fire Bolted, Ice Bolted, Chaos Seeded, Lightninged, Reverse Timed, BB'd, etc, etc (again, be nice to your computer).
This deck has the potential to pull off 3ttw, though I never received one during testing. My closest call was when I got the AI down to 4hp at the end of turn 3; had I drawn a BLight or practically any creature instead of a Nova that turn, I would have been able to report this.
Feel free to continue to comment on successes/failures/suggestions with this deck.