after preliminary tests to decide which version I should use, I settled on Rastafla's 30 cards variant: anything more and your chances of winning seem to decrease drastically, as the deck is very prone to bad draws and very fragile even with a correct starting hand. you really need snovae and one hourglass early.
then I played 50 games against FG, without ditching any.
1 divine glory W
2 paradox W
3 dark matter L black holed
4 jezebel W
5 hecate L no shield
6 chaos lord L destroyed/stole hourglasses
7 octane L no cloak
8 ferox L too much healing
9 miracle W
10 obliterator L no hourglass, no shield
11 eternal phoenix L no 2nd cloak
12 elidnis W
13 chaos lord L hourglass stolen
14 dark matter L momentum
15 miracle W
16 incarnate W
17 elidnis W
18 morte L no shield + virus
19 incarnate L no 2nd shield + virus
20 elidnis W
21 destiny W
22 chaos lord W
23 gemini L momentum
24 divine glory W
25 dark matter L momentum
26 hecate L no 2nd shield
27 octane L late shield + fireball
28 seism W
29 hermes L no shield
30 dream catcher L black holed
31 miracle W
32 akebono L momentum (chimera)
33 miracle W
34 neptune W
35 dark matter L black holed
36 miracle W
37 eternal phoenix L firelance killed the cloak???
38 lionheart W
39 gemini L momentum
40 octane W
41 dream catcher L black holed
42 lionheart W
43 obliterator W
44 serket L no 2nd shield
45 akebono L momentum
46 dark matter L black holed
47 scorpio L poison
48 dream catcher W
49 paradox L no 2nd shield
50 dark matter L momentum
22 wins, 28 defeats. didn't take notes of ttw, but it's usually around 10.
as you can see, the main threats are FG using momentum, the rest is winnable.
EDIT: time to move on, 1.271 is live.