Against any FGs with Fire Storm, dont drop more than 1 dragon because if you have 2 or more in play, it will cast firestorm and break your chain of cloaks and as those FGs also have explodes you can kiss your hourglass(es) and pulvy goodbye. This rule can be broken if the FG has lets say 2 cards in hand, then i may drop 2 dragons to draw the (possible) RoF and then play another cloak and the rest of the dragons to get in a better position.
Its not commong for FGs to RoF twice in such a shortgame.
Mostly you will only deploy 1 hourglass until youre close to the end, or getting there I drop a second hourglass if i have 3 QT and 6 time and have already used the first hourglass this round.
Ive found that vs certain gods you have to start chaining shields at certain times, hecate is at 40ish+ hp left, by the time you win you will have 1-15 hp left due to poison and raged dolls. Osiris is the same, the 2-4 momentumed creatures he gets can kill you in 1 or 2 turns if you go any lower that 40ish+. Fire Queen 25ish if you want to survive at least 1 firebolt etc. Serket changes based on your poison count. Whenever i have 6 turns of lasting through the poison alone i chain shields here its usually +55ish hp. All the FGs are in this way.
Several times I've tricked Gemini into TUing my dragons instead of his own momentumed Recluse which would allow him to win. Nonedragon is the bets one at this though its is possible that he momentums one dragon afterwards but that (12ish dmg) is still better than say 5 x 8dmg from recluses which cant be stoped, it buys you turns to draw and dump them all for one swift win.
Fastest win is 8 turns for me and the usual win is at 12-14 turns and by this time you will be down to 0-10 cards. What drives the deck is supernovas draw 4 or 5 and you have won basically, if you are forced to discard, pick a cloak or a hourglass, that usually the best choice.
This is just a small part of the things you need to do.
Gained 15 cards today under a few hours with this deck. Its superb.