Why the fractal? I mean, you probably won't have enough quanta to fractal the destroyers... Or is this, to copy some of your enemis smaller creatures, in case you don't draw a Destroyer? And aren't 4 Shields maybe a bit much? You have 4 Hourglasses, I think the chances to draw one with 3 Shields would be enough... maybe take out one Permafrost or the Fog and put in a creature for 2 quanta for the Fractal?
And is it fast enough with no single Supernova in it?
Just my thoughts about the deck.. Looks pretty nice overall.
With 11 Quantum Towers, you usually have a decent pile of quanta in the end game to fractal something on the field and provide a boost to bone shield breaking or extra "finishing" damage.
Without SuperNovas to power up Permafrost shields quickly, I find that I "stair step" my way up the shield ladder. Also, 4 shields usually helps with the stalling at the start of the match and provide some backup if I get hit with permanent control.
The 4 Hourglasses really helps increase the chance of getting 1 Hourglass in the first 10 cards, by which time you will have enough Time quanta to play it. Plus, it helps with permanent control because you can keep throwing out Hourglasses to be targeted by the FGs.
As far as fast -- I think it's more consistent than a SuperNova-based deck. You will draw quicker to compensate for the lack of instant quantum, and you get the ongoing generation of quanta from the Quantum Towers. I did try powering it the other way (Entropy mark, 7 Quantum Towers, 6 SuperNovas) but I could not get enough reliable Time quanta to power the Hourglasses.