I have to disagree. Remember he is using 6 Hourglasses.It is very likly he will get 2 or 3 out and use them (got eternity to take care of the decking problem) - those extra cards would overextend your "usual" quantabase.
The idea is to at least draw even with the opponent/god or even outdraw, play minimal defense to survive and just overrun them with Quinted Golems.The 2 Towers you draw this turn might not help you at the moment, but they definatly fuel your following turns.It is rarly a bad thing to convert a large ammount of ressources (Quanta) into another resource (cards //->draw).
You want to setup fast and there are 3 ways to do that:
1) increase the number of cards you "need" (like playing 3 golems 4 quints)
2) decrease the decksize (2 golems 3 quints at 35 or less total cards)
3) increase the ammount of cards you will draw (play 4+ hourglasses)
Personally i don´t agree with the numbers (too many one-of´s, lack of focus) but that is just a preferance thing. I usually try to combine route 1 with route 3.
I´ve got the focus of getting a Permafrost out early along with a couple shards to survive long enough for my quinted Golems to go all the way. So i would up the Permafrost count , the Golem and the Quint count.You might get a 45 card monstrosity out of it, but with the upped hourglass count that evens out.
The very basic battle plan against false gods is to
a)survive (outlast your opponent)
b)kill (bring his life to 0)
To increase the efficiency of b) you should go for the least card intensive card combination available to your deck without having to adjust much. In this case a random damage dealer (Steam Mashine / Lava Golem) + Quintessence. Thats 2 cards to deal near infinite damage.
Graveyard/Oty/Druid is a slightly different route. Simmilar damageoutput (larger growth), but also it is taking longer to setup (find all the pieces, find 2 quints instead of 1 if you wanna get sure). Yes it can also be used to help with a) but thats what your a) cards are there for (antimatter, shard , permafrost , jadeshield). Yes its way more fun to mutate things here and there and maybe even be able to steal stuff from you opponent with it - but do you really need it to bring your opponent to 0?
Thats exactly what i like about CCYB - strong focus. It does what it is supposed to do, every single time at a relative fast rate.Thats how/why it works. Adding a Fahrenheit to it because it is a cool card you like to play with won´t help its focus - it would just take longer to setup because you ran into a "useless" card that doesn´t help you to do a) or b).
(Don´t get me wrong, it is a fine card ^^)