Hi all, my first post in here so I guess I'll need some advices from experienced players. Anyway, after I tried different decks, some from my experience and some from experienced players I found on wikia (too bad it was the only forum available at that time) I decided to build one which could easily beat the Bronze and Silver League to obtain electrum and some rare cards.
This deck is balanced around crowd control and heavy damage over time.
Let's see it and let me explain it after.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vj 4vj 4vj 592 592 5f6 5fa 5ia 5oh 5oh 5up 5up 61q 61q 6qq 6tt 6u6 6uq 6uq 74b 7ah 7am 7gv 7n3 7q5 8pj
As you can see there's one key-creature from Fire, Entropy, Gravity, Life, Water and Air. The only element which has two creature is Entropy.
They serve the purpose to deal damage (progessive damage over time, buffing themselves) and CC the opponent deck.
An Ulitharid and an Otyugh stop the annoying Phoenixes, for example.
Maxwell's Demon can easily beat down the dragons or the attack self-buffing creatures (like the ones you've in your deck). And if it dies your Otyugh (which hopefully had some lunch) will take its place.
An Elite Queen will provide some fresh creatures for your Fallen Druid, giving them the nasty abilities you need to control or obliterate your opponent.
Forest Spectre and Lava Golem will proved more damage as long the game lasts.
But after playing around with the deck I noticed the Death pure decks and Air/x and Life/x duo-decks will simply drains out from me the quanta I need or overwhelming my deck. I played around with some damage spells card and I found a combination which works pretty well.
2x Thunderstorm are capable to stop the annoying little creatures like Photons, Devourers and so on, giving you enough time to build up quanta and play your cards.
2x Lighting, if your Maxwell's Demon isn't already out or your Otyugh isn't big enough to eat them up will solve the problems.
Plus, do we need some shields or some weapon? Don't bring them with you, steal it from your opponent. And after that, if you're sure it will use Steal/Deflagration on it simply Enchant it.
If we've an annoying DoT on us we'll play Purify accordingly. Or simply to gain some extra hp each turn, to survive the attacks until we'll get the right card to play.
If we've three/four creatures out we can play a Feral Bond too.
You'll need some practice to play well your 2x Steal and 1x Deflagration, depending on your opponent's deck.
Don't waste them on your opponent quanta. Focus on shields: Fire Shield and Carapace are the annoying ones. Use Deflagration for the first one, then Steal the second one your opponent plays.
Let say we've a mono-Dark, mono-Fire or a Rainbow-deck. You know for sure they'll try to steal your quanta, destroy your weapon/shield. Enchant them.
If you play against an Earth deck (mono or Duo) Enchant your quanta first.
And so on....
There are many situations but you'll find there's always a right option the play the card provided in this deck.
Win rate Bronze League: 95% (100 battles)
Win rate Silver League: 40% (100 battles)