It's time to give the result of this deck as the update is coming soon. I obtained a decent 72% on average against all gods after 330 games.
Detailed results: (win/loss/EM)
INCARNATE 26/0/24 100%
This one is the easiest for most of the decks, some bad draws resulted in missing EM. Of course it's possible to lose but it should rarely happen.
CHAOS LORD 22/2/21 92%
Also very easy. He needs perfect conditions to win. Bad draw+early mutant with destroy/steal. It's possible to get away if you have enough Quanta to get rid of the dangerous creatures.
MIRACLE 28/5/28 85%
Easy. He might win sometimes if you can't draw any defensive cards and he finds a big dragon early.
GEMINI 27/6/25 83%
Easy but playing against him is tricky sometimes. If you draw pulverizer early, the job is almost done. Otherwise, His Electrocutor is a bit annoying. Usually, you have to dig deep in the deck to find the needed cards. To deal with his weapon, use TU on Anubis.
GRAVITON 24/8/23 75%
Easy. You just need 2 firestorms to clean the board, in case you don't draw oty or TU +dials.
FIREQUEEN 23/8/23 74%
Easy. you still need to draw defensive cards early enough.
SEISM 14/6/13 70%
This one is a bit annoying with the earthquakes. Once you manage to keep a few towers alive, he's not so hard.
MORTE 18/8/16 69%
Easy. Unfortunately, he sometimes draws poison very quickly. Then you need the right combo in time. Bond+Yard+Storm.
HERMES 23/15/15 61%
Hard. He makes a lot of damage quickly. Also if he has many explosions early, he can lock you completely. You need the wall against him. TU is strong golem. It's also more difficult to get EM because you have to win quickly. His lances become dangerous when he has a lot of Quanta.
RAINBOW 16/15/16 52%
Hard. It's basically a coin flip against him. You have a good draw and win or he crushes you real fast.
SCORPIO 12/22/8 35%
Hard. His poison comes so fast that it's difficult to draw the combo in time. Bond+Yard+Storm. Many games i lost were close though.