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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg1946#msg1946
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Lol you're like a politician trying to spin the numbers in your advantage :)

You took this 1 Sundial after 10 cards because it's the only number that makes your deck look better (after some rounding up). What about all those OTHER numbers? :)

1 Sundial after 10 cards is not the magical formula with which to beat the Gods. I never said you have to have 1 Sundial to win the game. The more Sundials you get early in the game, the better. Your tables shows that with 54 cards, there's a higher chance of getting 3-4 Sundials during the first 20 cards which is the most important part of the battle.

This discussion is useless. When logic fails, I move on. :)

My final words on this subject are.. a better chance is a better chance even if the difference is tiny.


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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg1947#msg1947
« Reply #37 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Okay, lets close this than. ;)
Numbers are written, opinions are given.
Everyone stand by himself and enjoy the game the way he likes.


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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg1948#msg1948
« Reply #38 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

Numbers are written, opinions are given.
Everyone stand by himself and enjoy the game the way he likes.
Are you British? :D


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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg1949#msg1949
« Reply #39 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

No, I'm Russian. Why do you ask?


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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg2266#msg2266
« Reply #40 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:35 pm »

lol at where this thread whent. 60 card deck is no problem vs gods. scaredgirl after reading this I get the feeling  you are to reliant on sundial. pretty sure it will get nerfed as it is to powerfull for the cost anyways.


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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg2267#msg2267
« Reply #41 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:35 pm »

lol at where this thread whent. 60 card deck is no problem vs gods. scaredgirl after reading this I get the feeling  you are to reliant on sundial. pretty sure it will get nerfed as it is to powerfull for the cost anyways.
I'm not saying 54 cards is awesome while 60 cards sucks. We are only talking about math and probabilities here. BUT the smaller your deck, the less luck dependent it is. Period.

When I started my first rainbow deck, I did what most people here seem to do, I kept adding and adding cards until I had 60 cards. I then started removing less important cards and I saw that it improved my chances a lot.

Many seem to think like this: "Ok, I need more damage, so I'm going to take another Lava Golem". Wrong. You don't necessarily need MORE cards. All you need to do remove one non-damage card and your damage output will get better. Crazy, huh?

Only advantage a larger deck has is that you won't deck out so easily. But again it's only a matter of skill. I've seen a lot of people complain that they are decking out, or feel they need to use Eternity, but I'm 100% sure these people are just playing this deck wrong. They have a bunch of Hourglasses on the table and keep drawing cards like there is no tomorrow. Then when they have 8 cards left, they are like: "Oh, uh.. I'm going to deck out!". Here is my tip for (almost) never decking out again:


Fighting Miracle is a good example of this. You should stop drawing multiple cards when you have about 25 left on the deck. Then just slowly keep pounding out that victory. Doesn't matter if he uses 4-5 Miracles, he will die eventually. And if you have Lava Golem or Fallen Elf, victory usually comes pretty fast.

Sure sometimes (very rarely), you will still deck out no matter what you do. But that's the nature of rainbow decks. There is an element of luck involved.

I'm reliant on Sundials because they are hands down the best card against False Gods. Yes, Sundials need to be nerfed. But I'm not removing them or changing my mark just because Sundials MIGHT be nerfed in the future. When the nerf comes, I will deal with it. But until that day comes.. Sundials ftw!


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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg2268#msg2268
« Reply #42 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:35 pm »

Ok, lets do some math :)

We have 7 cards to start and 60 in deck.
6 of them are sundials, for example (your most favored card).

Chances of not getting sundial in the first hand are:

54/60 * 53/59 * 52/58 * 51/57 * 50/56 * 49/55 * 48/54

this is about 46% of time, so chances to have at least one is 54%

With say 54 card deck and 6 sundials chances are:

48/54 * 47/53 * 46/52 * 45/51 * 44/50 * 43/49 * 42/48

this is about 42% of time, so chances to have at least one is 58%

Does it worth to remove 6 cards from a deck just to get 4% better chances of getting one sundial in the starting hand?

My answer is NO.

Significant improvement in chances will be only if you reduce deck size to about 40.
They will be: 73% to have at least one sundial in hand for deck size = 40 and 6 sundials inside.

Something else to consider.  While it may be 4% more chance to have a sundial in opening hand, you have to consider it's a greater chance to have ANY similar card in the opening hand (as well as the percentage of drawing one gets larger and larger FASTER with a 54 card deck than with the 60 card deck).

In your opinion, that is an acceptable loss.  To Scaredgirl it's not.  Neither of you are right or wrong - it's just how you do things.  But 4% greater chance, across all games, is still a large advantage when you compare it to your 0% increased chance.  As soon as you admit that, then the "argument" in that regard is over ;)


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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg2599#msg2599
« Reply #43 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:36 pm »

I had less than 60 many times it may only be 4% but the diffrence of getting the cards you need does seem greater to me than that. I have no problems with 60 cards simply because it took me awile to balance it so I get what I whant. No diffrence for me.


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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg2600#msg2600
« Reply #44 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:36 pm »

Ok so let's make an exercise...

If you had to remove sundials completely, what card would you take? Would you change the mark?


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Another god farming deck. I will not call it ULTIMATE :) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=142.msg2601#msg2601
« Reply #45 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:36 pm »

If you asking me:

3 protect artifact
1 rain of fire
2 Miracle

