I run mark of gravity, so I can activate otyughs.
As for green mana, sometimes you have FFQ on field, some times elfs, but priority as follow:
Feral Bond >> Elf >> Queen
So play bond, or gather mana for it, than play elf, and only than if you have green mana left - play FFQ.
Both FFQ can be exchanged for Rain of Fire or Squid or ...
This is RAINBOW. Variation is only in amounts of cards you put in it. I put 60 cards, with lot of double/quardiple cards because:
1. I never deck out against any god.
2. I still have more or less steady starting hand (having 6 oty in deck and 6 sundials helps a lot).
3. This is my style of play.
4. My duplicates allow to survive even after destruction of vital card (Feral Bond, Otyugh, for example).
5. ????
Best regards, compose your deck as it suits you. Add some cards, remove another.
The best thing about this particular rainbow, that it is mine and I love it