Antimatter causes issues due to area of effect spells.
You mean like it won't cast those Pandemoniums if it already AMed a critter in your field?
Im really not getting the point of these topics, it seems many (not all) t50 people are getting the mindset "I grinded for what I needed, now to make sure no one can do the same!" Ive been noticing a growing elitist attitude in the community lately. If you dont like farms, then fine, dont put any up. Putting up anti-farm decks is no better than putting up farm ones though. As a matter of fact they are worse imo because instead of being benificial for people that run across them, they are just the opposite. I had hoped the "biting farms" would cathc on, but it seems instead the opposite is happening.
You have noticed this
lately? I find it has been around from day one ...
During my many years of social study and being in the world as such, I have noticed one thing:
Humans won't miss a chance to be elitist ... ever. Be it in professional settings, in your private surrounding
or even (and oddly enough especially!) in recreational spaces. I find gaming-sites deserve a special
place among those elitist settings, since you are almost guaranteed to witness how average (or rather
quite below average) joes grasp the chance to be the big-mac with cheese for once.
Having all that said, I still find that Elements community is doing quite well for giving that many opportunities
to be special.
T50-wise I am kind of split ... Personally, I have always put up farms when I was in T50 because
- first, I want to return what I myself got before
- second, I find rares too elitist as such:
I think good games should provide the same chances for everyone willing to play.
Classic boardgames like Chess are ideal in that respect since even the greatest noob will get his
Queen at the beginning of the game. Whether or not the Pro totally bashes him is a question of skill.
If the Pro really feels he needs to be further bashing the noob because of this victory is of course an
aspect of elitism, but at least he won't do it because he started with 3 Queens while facing pawns only.
When the Nymphs came out, I was thinking that the shitty shit is about to start ... Fortunately, they
are not that OP to make an irrecoverable difference.
Concerning "Anti-decks" such as this one, I do sense something appalling about it too but can't quite
put my finger on it. Perhaps, it is just that this deck-design explicitly doesn't even attempt to win.
If T50 is supposed to be the place for interesting decks from the best, then those decks should at least
try to be winning designs ... being destructive is not winning, it's just making everybody lose.