@OmegaReaper: I've gathered as much. I think my fail there was either 1. Me failing to do math correctly, then firequeen recovering massive amounts of health after having her almost dead (thus making me look stupid), or 2. Me knowing I was going to lose and refusing to die without at least doing *something*, which I've a tendency to do for some reason..
Either way..I played 10 games, lost all of them. I personally blame bad luck, both in draws and FG's faced. I never seem to get enough novas to get my cards out. :/ Being as I'm a poor newbie with voodoo decks, I've taken to farming the arena with my scarab deck

But I'm still interested in voodoo decks like these, and maybe I'll give it another shot eventually. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye on this thread, g'luck with your testing gentlemen. *nods* and I'll look around for that stat tracking system in the meantime so I can help the community eventually..