I would like to suggest that you could make two more decks naming them one rush and one em but without the precogs as technically with a good draw you could get your deck going faster without them. They also take space away from wings and deflags and steals and stuff of that variety. Although i suppose when making your own you could replace the precogs as you saw fit. Just a suggestion...
The precogs fill a 4-fold purpose
1)NEarly eliminates bad draws
2)Cuts down on the deck size
3)See your opponents hand so that you know what kind of cards to be prepared for
4)Uses relitively little quanta, allowing for maximum custimization
You dont need any card drawin cards when you get a good hand, however, you dont always get a good hand, and thats why they are there.
Even the EM version, is meant to be a battle that is over as quick as possible. That is why so litle healing is neeed in it, because hopefully, you will kill them before you lose anymore, and before they are able to set up defenses.