Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
I feel like we've been going down this whole path wrong, the idea of these serendipity rainbows. While they can work in a normal "bow" with the usual cards for card advantage, they don't fully synergize. Here is an attempt at a deck that on the whole 'looks' weaker but I think can utilize near 100% of the potential in the Serendipity, which with its capacities makes it a fairly strong deck. (? ?) is Serendipity.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u2 6u2 6u2 6uq 6uq 6uq 6uq 6uq 6uq 74a 74a 74a 7an 7an 7dm 7jv 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 7t9 8pj
Card summation:
Serendipity: Gives a lot of card advantage, and syncs with the cards already in the deck to make cards presented far stronger. Those combinations will be brought in in the other cards summation, but part of the theme of the deck is that it in general has very little quanta cost so that you can easily play whatever Serendipity gives (long as that isn't a time card).
Deja Vu: The core of the deck. Syncs with Adrenaline + Momentum for 24 damage. The general theme of the deck is here, provide lots of tiny creatures and the buffs for them to supplement, and Improved Mutation can be thrown onto one of these for free mutants.
Twin Universe: Because TUing that Deja Vu+Adrenaline+momentum right before it deja vu's is priceless. Also, TUing buffed up mutants is fun as well.
Momentum: Gets through shields, also exactly 1 + adrenaline gives a ton of damage.
Adrenaline: Gives multiple attacks. Works well with quanta producing creatures, deja vu, and against delay.
Both of these stay after a mutation.
Blessing: Quanta efficient alternative to Chaos Power (Q: Even though it costs more quanta? A: Yes.).
Chaos Power: Easy to utilize and can save you in a pinch. Playable on Oty for easier nommage, Warden to deal damage as you guard creatures, Deja-Vu to get high attack creatures.
All of these can be played on dune scorp / death scorp for poison ramping.
Steal/Explosion The PC. Since all decks need 'some' and unlike CC you can't depend on the SoSe for it reliably.
Quantum Tower: If you're actually wondering what the point of these is, you're probably in the wrong area. (,16745.0.html)
Strangely enough, I never seem to draw enough SNova's with this deck. In any case, the general idea is to use power up cards that can benefit a lot more of the SoSe cards, Deja-Vu to make them effective on your own creatures, many deja vu's for easy mutation fodder, and even synergy with things like Immolation and Luciferin. Although the big thing is, I don't know whether this works as a viable deck type.
It only now occurs to me that I never actually threw the nova's 'into' the deck, but regardless it almost works this way. Minor revisions are in the process of being made, like perhaps changing mark to time or perhaps swapping out an epinephrine or TU for Quantum Tower #8.