4 QP's+6 Novas has been proven to be a solid quanta base since the early days of this game. Adding another QP has in my experience shown you draw less Novas in fewer starting hands. The math of the mulligan would agree. That said, I've never had any problems with the 5+6 ratio, and I employ it in many 100% rushbows that I run for fun.
The deck has very limited control, so you have to know what to Deflag and Lightning. This is knowledge that's only possible to acquire through lots and lots of grinding. In other words, this is not a beginner-friendly deck.
In addition to that, I wouldn't say this deck has had sufficient amounts of testing to be very sure of its winrate. From experience I would definitely peg it above 40% though, and most likely close to, or a bit above, 50%.