Jeeze I'm starting to get frustrated. I'm fairly new, but I managed to build the deck on the front page, with the 4 hourglasses and 2 otyugh upgraded. I've managed to lose around 150 times against the False Gods, and win about 5 times.
Now, I'm pretty sure it's not the fault of the deck, so much as my abysmally bad luck.
I've lost every single match I did today...
Divine Glory
Chaos Lord (To be fair, I should have won this one. But I accidently clicked on one of my hourglasses on the turn I would have won and decked myself

Divine Glory
Divine Glory
Divine Glory
With the exception of Chaos Lord, I just got stomped all day, most of the matches not having time to get out a single monster, or if I did manage to get out a monster, seeing it destroyed.
In those 150 matches... I've beaten Fire Queen 2 out of the 3 times I saw her; third time she killed me before I got a monster out. And I beat Hermes once; dumb luck only, because he went the entire fight without summoning a single monster somehow, until after I was completely set up.
I'm getting tired of fighting False Gods that seem to be completely unbeatable. Divine Glory kills me in 4-5 turns no matter what I do, and Scorpio is pretty much the same way.
EDIT: Okay seriously. This getting Divine Glory every other match is starting to get not very funny.