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![Time :time](
, as in the original...
Meanwhile I tried some minor changes, that work sometimes, but made the deck not really better:
adding 2-4 novas, removing 1-2 pillars -> did not really speed up the deck, they it saved my life twice
remove 1 quint, add 1 anubis -> stronger in lategame, quinted anubis rocks, but more problems at the beginning
add 1 guardian angel, 1 butterfly effect, 1 additional pillar -> adds another strong control combo, but slows the deck down
add 1 mindgate -> really nice for lategame, but again slows down your dont want mindgame within the first 20 cards...but if you want to go to TOP50 farming, its the card id go for. espcially in mirror matches it was more then once the game winner for me...having that addional oty before my opponent draws it.
Right now, i went back closer to the original, as any changes endanger the deck to become less focussed and therefore slower...and you cant afford that!
I still stick to some changes:
1 less empathic bond, 1 additional miracle -> if 1 cant keep you alive, 2 wont do either most of the time. but a midgame miracle sometimes buys you enough time for your setup
1 additional dimensional shields -> for me an essintial part to keep you alive
some additional pillars -> i did more often having not enough quanta then having too much pillars
one last thing, i didnt read through all post, it has to be already mentioned:
upgrading the elf is for me not high priority...i will probably stick with the fallen elf for quite some time: i think elf is probably more flexible then druid...mutating nasty enemies into abominations or even killing them saved my life more than once, especially with an oty on the table
much higher on my upgrading list are the dimensional shields, as i did quite sometimes cause i lacked the one necessary aether...
if someone is interested, heres the code:
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vm 52n 592 5c6 5f8 5li 5oj 5rl 5rl 5ro 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5up 61t 61t 621 621 621 71b 74b 74b 7q5 7q5
(btw won the bone wall, but you could also do almost as well with unupgraded as i try to save it for endgame, after setup is done)