Perhaps it would be good to aid Quinnessence? (sp?) Or whatever the aether Q card is that grants immortality?
I'm using this deck mostly upgraded (I used your Ultimate deck before the nerf, ScaredGirl, to get those upgrades, thank you a ton for that deck!! ) and added 2 Quinnessence, Lava Golem, and Pulverizer(u). Maybe it's because I have so many upgrades, but I've only found Quinnessence useless on the easiest gods, and even then its nice to know your creatures are safe (in case your druid gives Miracle a photon with devour costing 2 light O_O). For all of the harder gods with creature control (Obliterator and Rainbow's Gravity Pulls, Scorpio's Congeal, Fire Queen and Rainbow's Eagle Eyes etc.) Quinessence on an Oty saves my butt. On an FFQ to spam fireflies to draw out congeals/gravitypulls/lightnings/eagleeyes/etc. is also very useful.
EDIT: Took out Lava Golem, since with protected Eternity you don't need it.