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The aim of this thread is to present the results of a test of a Contemporary CCYB mod (Original deck by Amilir (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,9545.msg121897.html#msg121897)).
Statistics, farming guide and tips will be presented here in the aide of wanna-be FG farmers.

This is the mod I used for the test:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 6u7 77f 77f 77i 7ba 7ba 7ba 7dq 7dq 7gp 7gp 7k6 7k6 7n3 7q5 7q5 7q5 80h 80h 80i 8pj

Suggested build for farming FGs:
+1 Permafrost
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 6u7 77f 77f 77i 7ba 7ba 7ba 7dq 7dq 7gp 7gp 7gp 7k6 7k6 7n3 7q5 7q5 7q5 80h 80h 80i 8pj

It differs from the original CCYB in the following way:
- 3 Shard of Gratitude
- 1 Miracle
+ 2 Sanctuary
+ 1 Protect Artifact
+ 1 Antimatter

This is the result of my 1000 game test:

I do not keep track of game lenght (seconds), TTW or EMs due to the restrictions of my playing time and random AFKing.

FG farming tips:

- keep the FG decks topic (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7919.0.html) opened while playing if you don't know what cards they have.
Hard. Beatable if he doesn't go monkey crazy right from the start. Permafrost will stop his overdrive, use AM on the biggest creature if you can't handle it no more, target something with momentum preferably. Quint his creatures so he doesn't Accelerate them if possible, make him accelerate the weaker Armagios. Beware Chimera - he uses it based on total ATK on the field and your HP, so he'll kill you even if you have most of his dragons frozen. He won't accelerate your FFQ, but he will waste the buff on the flies, so play it as early as possible.Medium. Has 4 PC cards. You only have to worry about a mutant with steal/destroy, or a very high damage creature. He will not mutate AMd creatures to some extent if they have a skill. Sometimes you can Quint a very high damage creature after you AM it, giving you all the healing you'll ever need. Consider Fractaling a Lycan if necessary.Hard. If you survive the Black Holes and initial rush, use AMs on Chargers. This way you will get the most from your shield, and will not lose your healing when he starts to use Grav Pulls later on. I decked several times against him - after taking field control I couldn't put out enough damage, and he used Armagios and Grav Pulls to tank. Play Sanctuary ASAP. Also, try to conserve your quanta, e.g. don't use a SN if you don't have the additional :light to play a Sanct, or he might Black Hole you next turn.Easy. Decay is your best friend. He has 4 steals, count them as they go. Steal order is Hourglass>Pulvy>Permafrost>Sanct/Shard>QT. Just be sure to keep your Sanctuary on your side of the field and you'll be OK. He only has 2 Dusks and 2 Lobos for damage. If things get out of hand and he gets a lot of dark quanta, bait his Drains with Fireflies. Enjoy high card drop rate.Easy. No PC, rewind and paradox for CC. Beware of early Chaos Powered Egg Dragons and mutants. Like Chaos Lord, use AM on semi-strong creatures with a skill to avoid mutation.Hard. Immaterial creatures and 12 Explosions, but no CC. You can only win if he gets a bad hand and you get a good one. Permafrost will greatly reduce his damage, try to PA it. Don't forget to evade his Miracle with a FractalHard. Butterfly Effect will ruin you. If you have a strong start and he's late with the BE you have a chance. PA your shield if possible. He has Purple Nymphs, so AM and fireflies are useless in the long run. PA your Permafrost or an Hourglass if you have the quanta to draw heavily. Fractal a Physalia if you see one early and have the quanta to get the poison going.Medium. Early Permafrost and Pulvy help a lot. Try to destroy his towers so he can't grow the spirits and use TU. He will grow the spirits in playing order, you can use AM on a spirit that won't grow for a while that way. Fractaling Crawlers is an option.Hard. 8 Explosions, 4 Firelances, 2 Firestorms. Try to keep your permafrost, tank his explosions with everything else. AM the Ruby Dragons. Fractaling his Phoenix if you have enough :fire can win you the game quickly, bait his Fire Storms with 3 Phoenix at first. PROTIP: The AI also stupidly fractals ash on your side of the field, use it to your advantage.Medium. No CC or PC. You'll win if you can play an early Permafrost. In the first few turns he'll get a Leaf Dragon, then spam 1-2 Jade Dragons. If you have an early AM, save it for the Jade Dragon. He also has 12 Feral Bonds, which can be a problem if your Pulvies are very deep in your deck. Consider fractaling a Giant Frog if you think you can rush him, otherwise save it for Destroyers.Medium. Permafrost will help a lot. AMd EEs will not be frozen and will interfere with your fireflies, but it's worth the healing. Fahrenheits will start to deal enormous damage, try to destroy them ASAP and never AM them.Medium. You need your AMs here and an early Pulvy. Destroy his Grav Towers, AM his Momentumed Creatures. Bait him to TU your FFQ or even your (ungrown) destroyer. If he TUs a bunch of momentumed creatures you're dead. Quint his Momentumed creatures if necessary.Hard. 4 Explosions, 2 Fire Storms and a lot of Momentum. Hope for the best here, it's mostly luck. FFQ is almost useless. You can Fractal his Graviton Firemasters for cheap damage. Use AM on Chargers, and save 1 for a grown Firemaster.Medium. Has 4 steals. Play your permanents without waiting for a PA. You need AM to win, ideally use it on a 12/8 vampired doll, but also on whatever keeps you alive. He can be nasty if he has early steals and gets damage fast, also if you're late with a Sanctuary you might get Nightmared. You can play an early FQ without quint, he might vampire her, but doesn't happen oftenHard. 12 Explosions, 12 Lances and more. He gets damage going very fast, and he deflags everything you put on your side. You need a lot of luck, early FQ+quint and AMs to win.Easy. 8 Bonewalls and 8 Eclipses. Use AM on 6/4 Vampires and then destroy the Eclipse to get -8/3. Don't destroy Graveyards unless he's going to rush you very early with skeletons. You want him to have his side locked with harmless skeletons. Beware decking to Bonewall, use Pulvy on in if nessecary. You can Fractal Bloodsuckers if your Destroyers are deep in your deckHard. 8 Steals, 6 Cloaks, 4 Syphons. There are generally 2 approaches - 1) You are able to PA her QTs early (no dangerous nymphs). I advise you try to make her deck herself in that instance, e.g. let her steal all your Hourglasses. Hourglasses are top target for steal, so in the end you'll have some healing left by SoGs/Sancts and AM. Don't play the Pulvy, she'll steal it and beat your face in with it. 2) You can't PA her QTs early. You can try a later PA if she doesn't have any dangerous nymphs and play as 1), or you can use it on your Pulvy - you'll have to play her like any other FG, and you'll have to rush her and hope she doesn't smother you with steals and dangerous nymphs. PROTIP: if you decide to deck her, be sure she has enough space in her hand to draw more cards, e.g. give her Siphon Life fodder with Fireflies.Easy. You only have to worry about a Crusader targeting your Pulvy. To prevent this, you can use PA on it (safest), deny his light towers or QTs (risky), let him keep his Eternity so that the Crusaders target it (still risky, not sure how the AI chooses target). Or you can just destroy your own Pulvy if you feel the need. He's pretty fast on the draws and the shield will slow you down considerably. It's not advisable to try to deck him, as he will rewind AMed creatures and you'll lose your healing, making the last 5-6 turns very hard.Easy. He can rush with a blessed dragon or wyrm. I suggest using AM on blessed dragons, and using Quintessence on Wyrms to avoid them getting buffed (2x dive damage, but only 1x heal if AMed). You can beat him with a Fractal bomb to avoid his miracle (formula to use miracle is green hp<yellow hp+12), OR use it early if you can and steamroll him.Easy. He has some poison and miracle, but fewer Bone Walls than Incarnate and no Eclipse. Use AM on Dragons. Let him keep his boneyards and he will lock himself with skeletons that can't touch you. The AI will use Plague if you have 3 or more creatures on the field, try not to get your FFQ killed.Easiest FG for the deck. You can lose only if gets a very strong starting hand (a lot of towers) and you get a cluttered hand and have to discard. AM dragons or crawlers, destroy towers if he has few of them.Medium. He has 6 PA and 4 Pulvies. Don't destroy his shield so he wastes a PA on it. If he gets an early unprotected Pulvy, you have 4 options. 1) Play Pulvy+PA. 2) Play Pulvy+Hourglass, he will target the Hourglass first. 3) If he's low on grav quanta, play your Pulvy asap and hope he will not use Destroy. 4) Just deal with it if you have a lot of creatures on the field and can beat him quickly. Best target for AM is momentumed Shriekers and momentumed Dragons. He will burrow the shriekers and you will only heal for 6, but later in the game he won't target them with Grav Pull and you won't lose the heal. If you have a FFQ early, he will waste the Grav Pulls on the Flies and you can use AM on the dragons.Medium. He has 4 explosions and 2 Fire Shields. Counter his Unstable Gasses with Pulverizer, and his EEs with AM and Permafrost. Be careful that you don't lose your creatures to Fire Shield and that you don't get your Pulvy deflaged (use PA on it and have Hourglasses for bait). Like any FG with PC, bait him with QTs, then shards/sancts, then play shield, hourglass and pulvyEasy. He will toss AMed and Frozen creatures, so better not use AM until you have Pulvy out. Optionally fractal Scarabs to get EM.Easy. Destroy his Hourglasses and Aether towers. Use AM on fat creatures before he can twin them, especially Dejas that have't split so you get the double heal. Consider Quinting a very strong creature (>10 ATK) if you don't have AM so you don't get owned. Let him waste his Twins on your FFQ or even ungrown Destroyer if he has stronger creatures.Skip. He has a lot of PC, CC and miracles. Also, the lowest card drop rate of all FGs. Don't waste your time. If you decide to fight him, you'll need an early protected pulvy to counter the Hourglasses. Don't use flies and his hand will clutter with CC cards. Drop Fractal of whatever creature to evade miracleMedium. It's a race against poison. Never AM puffers, and hope your shield freezes them. If you're lucky, you'll be able to AM a dragon for extra healing, but usually you only get crawlers. Rush him in any way possible if he gets a lot of poison on you from the start.Medium. He builds up his damage slowly. If not for the EQs, he would be quite easy. Play your towers 1 by 1, don't play them at all if you have SNs to feed you - just wait for the PA. Both time and earth dragons cost 12 quanta - be prepared with an AM, especially when he hits 12 time (don't waste it on shriekers or golems the round before that). He has 8 rewinds that will simply prevent you from decking. Has only 2 Granite skins, but can possibly heal for +75 with each, so treat it like a miracleMedium. Like Scorpio, it's a race against poison. Permafrost shuts down the scorpions. Destroy Arsenics asap, use AM on Recluses and destroy Eclipse for 10 healing. Also, AM on adrenalined creature is fun, but don't use on scorpions. Losses against him are essencially due to no shield in hand or no quanta to play it
Optimized farming tips (increase electrum gain per time played):

   - skip immediately (4 FGs): Dream Catcher, Graviton, Hermes, Rainbow. The combination of high difficulty and low card drop rates makes these FGs unfavorable farming targets. Possible exception is Graviton, with decent card drop rate, but you can't say from the beginning if you're going to win, so I recommend a skip.

   - test a couple of turns before skipping (4 FGs): Dark Matter, Divine Glory, Eternal Phoenix, Jezebel. Favorable events - you play an early Sanctuary against Dark Matter; Divine Glory doesn't play a Fire Tower; Eternal Phoenix - you can EM a ruby dragon early, play permafrost+PA early or fractal his phoenix early; Jezebel - PA her QTs and she doesn't have dangerous nymphs on the field.

   - questionable, but worth playing (3 FGs): Akebono - high card drop rate, you can achieve decent win rate once you understand the AI. Chaos Lord - low card drop rate, but hes medium difficulty makes it an acceptable time investment I guess. Scorpio - medium card drop rate, medium difficulty due to poison build-up - usually you win quickly if you win at all, so worth a try.
Cards that may be valuable addition to the deck:
- a third shield. The deck could use one. There are many to choose from, the most prominent being Jade, Permafrost (yes, a 3rd one) and Dusk, all with pros and cons. You can also try Diamond and Skull.
- a 2nd PA. PA is useful is some match-ups, and totally useless in others. I generally find that 1 is enough to give you a boost in winning % without interfering with the non PC FGs.
- a Purify. Useful against Serket and Scorpio, or it just provides 2 healing. I can't seem to draw it when I need, though, and Serket benefits more frow an earlier shield.
- sundials. Six of them. Remind me of the old days, even if they're kinda crappy now and interfere with AM and Perma.
- nymphs. If you have any, go nuts.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 06:24:08 am by willng3 »

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I'll be waiting for this.  Been trying CCYB w/various mods.  My most recent being a 40 card version.  -1 SoG, -1 Miracle, +1 Tower, +2 Sanctuary, +2 PA, +1 Improved Steal, +1 Rain of Fire.

I struggle with being able to cut cards out and based on your results, I will try your version out later tonight when I get a chance.  I know that, the less cards, the more efficient it will be.  I find it interesting you only use 3 SoG; I know there are 2 Sanctuary, but the 3 :light sometimes make it tougher to get out early.  But I guess the extra Antimatter helps that?

I am especially anxious for a guide on the tougher FG's such as Hermes, DG, Graviton, etc.  And for some reason I always have a semi-tough time vs. Seism.  Maybe a 50% win rate vs. him at best.

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So do we post our mods as well?

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Oh I forgot... has anyone tried a version with Silence?  I know that although it only has a cost of 2 :aether, endgame Fractal depletes all  :aether.Through my grinding yesterday, it felt like I had a few disappointing losses where I was 1 turn away from winning, but the FG would play like 3-4 cards and finish me off first.  It feels it could be a lifesaver card and I'm going to try it with my version later (-1 Steal, +1 Silence) and see how it goes. 


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I'll be waiting for this.  Been trying CCYB w/various mods.  My most recent being a 40 card version.  -1 SoG, -1 Miracle, +1 Tower, +2 Sanctuary, +2 PA, +1 Improved Steal, +1 Rain of Fire.

I struggle with being able to cut cards out and based on your results, I will try your version out later tonight when I get a chance.  I know that, the less cards, the more efficient it will be.  I find it interesting you only use 3 SoG; I know there are 2 Sanctuary, but the 3 :light sometimes make it tougher to get out early.  But I guess the extra Antimatter helps that?

I am especially anxious for a guide on the tougher FG's such as Hermes, DG, Graviton, etc.  And for some reason I always have a semi-tough time vs. Seism.  Maybe a 50% win rate vs. him at best.
40 cards is a lot, you won't get early SNs, and you probably need more hourglasses.
3 SoGs and 2 Sancts seem enough to me. I have problems with poison, but I don't think more SoGs will deal with the issue. Prolly swap a SoG for a purify for some extra chance against Scorpio, Serket and Morte xD
The *tough* FGs - skip 'em. I played them to get some stats, I don't intend to waste more time on them. Seism - save your QTs until you can PA them. Rely on SNs, play a QT only if your hand is full or you are going to die and need the quanta for something. I put up some tips, you should check them out.

So do we post our mods as well?

Oh I forgot... has anyone tried a version with Silence?  I know that although it only has a cost of 2 :aether, endgame Fractal depletes all  :aether.Through my grinding yesterday, it felt like I had a few disappointing losses where I was 1 turn away from winning, but the FG would play like 3-4 cards and finish me off first.  It feels it could be a lifesaver card and I'm going to try it with my version later (-1 Steal, +1 Silence) and see how it goes. 
Silence is near useless, there are better cards for the deck. So is steal, btw XD


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I found 3 antimatter are really life saving against most fake gods.
Steam machine isn't more effective in growing damage?

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I found 3 antimatter are really life saving against most fake gods.
Steam machine isn't more effective in growing damage?
Yeah ... I'd love to use a steam-machine too.
The problem is that it conflicts with Permas high cost of  :water ...
By the time you got the extra 4  :water gathered a destroyer would have already
made up for all the damage a steamer could possibly reach, left aside the destroyer
starts with 7dmg the steamer doesn't even have.

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I found 3 antimatter are really life saving against most fake gods.
Steam machine isn't more effective in growing damage?
Also, Destroyers are needed for a finishing blow with Fractal.


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How about entropy nymphes?

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How about entropy nymphes?
I think they cost too much to play.  Also, they are susceptible to CC and you wouldn't want to waste a Quintessence on one of them.


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Steam Machine - tested, not working. It has 0 starting damage and requires constant investing of :fire, which may not be a problem considering you have a FFQ, but more often then not it is. It also breaks Fractal. It also conflicts with :water, as I often find myself in dire need of it to play the Permafrost (even not risking to play a SoG).

Nymphs - I would guess no nymph could *fit* in the deck as is. The best nymph would be :air I would guess, though it conflicts with FFQ. :entropy nymphs is very expensive: 9 :entropy, you risk CC, 4 :entropy to use the skill. That's a total of 13 quanta for 1 use of AM, and 17 for 2 uses. Spell card costs only 6, do the math. You also need it fairly quickly most of the times (miracle, ferox, akebono, etc). :darkness and  :death are unused elements in the deck. Unfortunately those nymphs are meh XD.

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Very similar to my mod. :) I'll be trying this mod for sure after I finish my new statistics for I've GotP Time.

Thank you for this mod and statistics. It's about time CCYB get an update. ;)
Tasted the world, seen more than enough.

