Some thoughts:
A second Pulvy is a must, since it helps in the Pulvy race against Obliterator by increasing the chances that you draw one before he does, and also against FGs that use Bonds and Bone Walls, since it's rather difficult for the Destroyers alone to get past them. My current variation is experimenting with Steal, and it's a nice utility card and utilizes unused
I'm certain I agree with you on this. I need to spin one yet. Sadly, I had several a few months ago and sold them thinking I'd never use them. Ah, youth.
If you're using Miracle and Heal for EM purposes, then you most likely won't need Miracle, as your Shards have enough HP regen to keep you within range of an EM via Heal. I'm still sort of skeptical about using Miracle for early game survival, as I'm still not really convinced that you can get the 12
quickly enough.
Early game, IM is useless. Not happening at all. HOWEVER, in late game it's saved my bacon. The light quanta builds as fast as any other and has no other outlet. That said, it really is only for style points with the EM and my win rate wouldn't go down much without it. Same for the heal. But, I hit them both so often in late game, I can't say for certain they are style only...I just suspect it.
You need the Hourglasses -- at least 2 for a deck of 35 or fewer cards, in fact. They're important for the early draw power and permanent control bait that they provide (the AI will Explode/Steal your Hourglasses before Pulvy, Permafrost, and Shards).
As bait, sure...but the extra draw power is USUALLY not needed. Even when I get it out (and there used to be two in here), I rarely used them more than once ore twice. This runs pretty tight without. I HAVE run it without successfully...but put it back in once more...however with the new Sundial rules, and my certainty I never needed it more than twice, a couple of them might replace it and give me stall power. And interesting thought.
To avoid decking out, stop drawing once you're set up and have a shield and a few Shards in play, and a damage source. If you're going up against Bone Wall FGs like Morte and Incarnate, you might have a little more trouble -- I've decked out against them before -- but you should be fine since you have an Air Nymph to generate Gases and bypass shields. You can use Air Nymph to bypass the FG's Miracles by waiting until you have enough Gases to win before they Miracle, and then Igniting them all for a large burst of damage.
Absolutely correct. I do stop, and those are the ones I deck out against...and yes, this beats miracle in one turn...assuming I have enough time to gin up the at least I'm decking out in the right places.
I would like to experiment with Air Nymph, but unfortunately I haven't spun one from the Oracle yet. 
Ah yes, you do need one!
Thanks for the feedback!!!