Well I have 500 games played now!
https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoNf6t2npXfbdGhhVWlQWVo1b1JmX2o4c3N2dTloTGc&authkey=COOYxpUM&hl=en#gid=0 (
I have been trying to play more of the bad match ups. Since I last posted my win rate has gone up something like 5%. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that early on I got a lot of really bad match ups. I saw Rainbow, and graviton a ton. Even still the FGs I have seen the most are Rainbow 32, Miracle 30 which isn't bad, Graviton 28, then Paradox who isn't bad either, and Dark Matter who is both at 24.

Oh well RNG is RNG.
Here are some common cards and variations that have been discussed in this topic (that I can remember).
Air Nymph. (Great substitute for FFQ)
Chimera. (used to gain EMs)
Aflatoxin. (CC, and Board Control)
Liquid Shadow. (usually in conjunction with Chimera)
Purple Nymph. (Slower than Antimatter but potentially better)
Mindgate. (Fun?)
Jade Shield. (Game winning against some gods, and a shield is always better than no shield)
I am sure I am missing something if so remind me.
Since the god by god breakdown on the front page seems kind of incomplete, and focused a lot of FFQ I thought I would write up a few notes on some FGs. These are all based off the variation I use posted a few pages back.
A few notes, never play a creature without a quint, unless otherwise said, or you are going to win anyways, or lose for sure otherwise. Always stop drawing when you are no longer in danger of dieing . You can always start up again later if things go south.
Without further ado:
Easy Gods 75% win rate or higher: Neptune, Incarnate, Osiris, Destiny. Neptune: Draw aggressively, or not doesn't really matter. He is slow to get damage out. Just hold on to antimatters until a dragon hits the table.
Incarnate: Draw cautiously just enough to stay alive at first. Hold Antimatters for Vampires and only if there is an Eclipse on the board. Pulvize the Eclipses asap. Otherwise Pulverize the Bonewalls down. A great trick to sneak some damage in between Bonewalls is set a Bonewall up so it will have 1 charge left before Incarnates turn. Then on your turn Pulverize that last charge and all your Destroyers can attack in full.
Osiris: Draw aggressively until you have a shield, no real risk of deck out. Antimatter whatever gets Momentum.
Destiny: Draw aggressively. Depending on what creatures he gets he can be tough or easy, luckily it is usually easy. Antimatter something if it gets to big.
Medium Gods 50% - 75% win rate: Morte, Ferox, Elidnis, Paradox, Octane, Miracle, Decay, Fire Queen, Scorpio, Seism, Gemini. Morte: Only draw a few times until you are somewhat safe. There is a real chance of deck out. Damage is fairly low as long as you have a shield out. It is best to antimatter something earlier than later. He doesn't seem to drop the dragons early enough so feel free to slap it on something else if you don't think you would otherwise survive. Bonewall trick (see Incarnate) works here. He will also Miracle, usually only once.
Ferox: Draw aggressively until you are somewhat safe. The hardest part of this fight is getting safe, and getting an early Pulvy to take out his healing. Feel free to play creatures without quint. Save Antimatter for dragons.
Elidnis: Draw aggressively, he will eventually kill you. The real key to this fight is getting a Pulvy out and start blowing up the water towers. Without

nothing he plays will become a big threat. Antmatter any Forest Specter that have grown large and isn't immortal. A few Twin Universes and you can be in a world of hurt. The fight can be won without denying the

, but it makes it tougher.
Paradox: Draw until you get a shield, then stop. Miracle means there is a chance of decking out. Antimatter anything that goes over 11, or if a creature still has deja vue and 6+ attack. He will Deja vue even negative attack creatures. If he has a 7+ creature and you have no anti matter feel free to drop a nonimmortaled Lava Destroyer. It will be Twin Universed.
Octane: This fight comes down to two cards. Jade Shield, and Pulverizer. Draw aggressively until you have one of those, but don't play a Pulverizer unless there is an hourglass in play since it would be destroyed first, and he doesn't have many explosions to begin with. Antimatter the Eagle's Eye, and it should be an easy win.
Miracle: Draw extremely cautiously, expect to have to do 3 or 4 miracles worth of damage. Pulverize the Light Towers and nothing else! Antimatter a dragon preferably one that was buffed. Play your creatures even without Quint since Miracle can't do anything to them. Use your quints on the Elite Pegasus.
Decay: Draw when you can. Getting a Jade shield out makes this fight fairly easy. Save your Supernovas until using them will let you play something or better yet somethings. Expect your first 1-2 permanents to be stolen. Lots of luck on this match up.
Fire Queen: Draw aggressively until you get a shield. It will negate a lot of her damage. Pulverize the Eternal Bonds. Antimatter the Eagle's Eye when you can. you may need to Antimatter a Firefly to survive too.
Scorpio: Draw super aggressively! This fight is a drag race. play whatever you can to slow him down while getting as much damage on the field as you can. Antimatter the dragon if he plays it, however he almost never will so go ahead and throw it on an Abyss Crawler as early as you can.
Seism: Draw aggressively while you can. Play towers one at a time. Save antimatters for dragons as everything else will burrow and do rather minor damage anyways.
Gemini: Draw aggressively. Antimatter anything with Momentum. Play an unquinted Destroyer so he will Twin Universe it instead of something with momentum. This fight is a race. Try and deny him

if you can, if not no biggy.
Tough Gods 25% - 50% win rate: Obliterator, Chaos Lord, Dream Catcher. Obliterator: Draw aggressively until you get a Pulvy. Basically this fight comes down to a race to see who gets their Pulvy first. If you can get into the midgame without having him get one out you should be in good shape. Otherwise you are in an uphill battle. Antimatter dragons preferably with Unstoppable.
Chaos Lord: Draw aggressively. If he gets something with Destroy, or Steal you are all but done for. Antimatter anything that is doing to much damage. Hopefully he thinks it has a good ability and won't Improve it.
Dream Catcher: Draw aggressively while you can. The only saving grace in this fight is the fact that most his damaging creatures are 2 attack, so a shield can block a lot of it. Your only chance is to out race him.
Skip-able Gods 0% - 25% win rate(This may be artificially inflated because I may skip potentially winnable matchs, but still they are tough!: Divine Glory, Hermes, Eternal Pheonix, Graviton, Rainbow, Dark Matter. Divine Glory: Draw cautiously, expect to have to damage through 2 or 3 miracles. Your only real chance is if the god doesn't get any Burning Towers. Antimatter is useless since all creatures are immortal. Try and get an hourglass, and Pulvy out. When he plays a Burning tower he will destroy the hourglass, then you can Pulvy the Burning Tower, before he then destoys the Pulvy.
Hermes: Draw while you can! Expect most your permanents to get exploded. He plays a lot of growing creatures which means damage will ramp up rather quickly. Use your Antimatter to reduce a creature when it gets to big. Unfortunately there will be 2 more just as big only a few turns later. You have to out race him.
Eternal Pheonix: Draw while you can! Expect most your permanents to get exploded. a clutch Frost shield out for a few turns can really turn the tide. Save Antimatter for the dragons.
Graviton: Draw aggressively. A few explosions, plus growing creatures. Antimatter a Firemaster that gets to big. His unstoppables make Frost Shield almost useless, but still it may block 1 or 2 creatures.
Rainbow: I don't have to much advise here. He will Miracle, plus destroy or steal most your permanents. Antimatter the Forest Specters if they get to big.
Dark Matter: Almost impossible. His healing potential paired with his ability to deny your quantum and all with the same card is crazy. Antimatter whatever is biggest...if you can muster the 6
