If you're looking for EM's with that chimera, best add a liquid shadow. Otherwise it doesn't really help.
It helps by itself. It blocks damage from the turn before you kill the FG so you heal up from all your SOG's.
If you're willing to risk your entire army of creatures by leaving chimera vulnerable for a turn, that's your call. Maybe it does help a lot more often than hurt, but the liquid shadow seems a lot safer. Not to mention its added versatility, as Nume mentioned.
Though personally, with just a bit of planning in the last few turns, I find that there's a good chance of being able to calculate damage so that Pulverizer gets the final hit.
As a side comment, there's a good way for those with a purple nymph to bypass miracle-using gods.
If you have, for example, a 29|23 and a 19|13 lava destroyer along with a purple nymph, Miracle has 60 health, you would only be able to get 51 damage, allowing him to cast miracle and risking deck-out. To get around this, antimatter the destroyer with 19 attack so you deal a net of 13 damage, leaving Miracle at 47 health. Since you have a calculated damage output of 32, he won't cast miracle. Then just antimatter the lava destroyer again to get back to 51 damage, scoring the kill.